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Jellal's POV

"Hey Erza. I'm sorry that I've been a coward lately and I'm sorry that I tried to run a way from everything by trying to leave the town and stay away from our daughter. I really am sorry, but thanks to a few people, I guess I got to see our daughter for the first time. The hole that was in my chest after your... passing was filled up halfway after seeing our daughter. Her name is Yuki Hana Fernandes. It means snow flower. Gray and Juvia named her Yuki because it snowed the day that she was born and I added Sakura since Erik said that was the name you wanted to give her. I'm still not used to the thought that you're no longer here. Every morning, I wake up in hopes that your passing was all a nightmare and that I will wake up to see you right next to me, smiling whilst holding our daughter. It's hard. I miss you. Yuki's babbling a lot and I'm trying to teacher some words. Her first word was Gray since she had lived with the Fullbuster family for a while and heard Juvia calling him a lot." I sighed as I spoke. It was weird talking to a gravestone and stand at the place where someone is finally at peace. "She's already five months old. I missed two or three months of her life. I'm a terrible father, but I'm going to try and be the dad that she deserves." I bit my lip to stop any tears from falling. "Shea's uh- a pretty sickly child. Apparently it's because our magic is pretty strong and it's caused Yuki to be ill. According to Gray, it's the same thing that happened to Ultear. But I will make sure that Yuki will always be happy and that she will grow up, knowing who you are." I closed my eyes as the wind blew and laid down a small bouquet red roses "No shade of red will match your scarlet hair" I sighed as I picked up Yuki who was crawling on the grass, dribbling on the ground and chuckled at her "Well, we best be going Erza." I smiled at Yuki "Say bye to your mum, Yuki"

"BUH!" She shouted and started to laugh. My chest hurt. Erza, I wish you were here to hear her in person.

Mirajane's POV
Do you know how weird it is, suddenly remembering how old your child is? It feels like Raito's been with us for a month and she's already 4 years old! She's started to go to school and I even cried on her first day of school. It's weird. How is our little girl already 4? Raito really enjoys school. She's always looking forward to going back everyday. We've found out she's got some take over magic because the other day, she got a little angry at Laxus for doing something to her headphones and her arm changed into claws as she shocked him with her electric magic. It was funny to watch and Laxus got into a stroppy mood soon after. Laxus and Raito are so alike. I'm glad that she's not a baby anymore and doesn't use nappies anymore since she wants to be a 'big girl' so I don't have to watch Laxus struggle with them. Time flew by so quickly.

Jellal comes into the guild every other day with Yuki so she can play with Storm and see Gray and Juvia, who looked after her for a while. The days that Jellal and Yuki aren't present are the days that the two go to Porlyusica for treatment or medicine. Yuki's getting fevers and throwing up more often apparently, and even though Jellal acts like everything is okay, everyone can see that he's struggling.  Although Yuki keeps going to Porlyusica's for medical treatment because she so sickly, they haven't been able to cure her yet since it's a bit risky and she's Jellal's remaining family, so he's struggling a little with the decision. Storm and Yuki are pretty close, the follow each other round places and tend to get upset if they're separated. Unsurprisingly though, Nashi and Storm don't get along so I guess that's because of Gray and Natsu.

Raito gets along pretty well with Nashi, surprisingly but doesn't seem to like Ferrum since he bit her. They keep fighting. Even though Ferrum's only a few months old, he's a little like Gajeel and hits people he doesn't like with his arm after it changes into iron. Levy's a little scared of Ferrum and it's kinda funny since she likes to give him to Gajeel because she's worried about being bitten and all.

Gray's POV
It's nice that we  all get to see Yuki quite often. Storm really enjoys her company. If he's having a bad day and sees Yuki, he'll brighten up almost immediately. It's hard separating the two and when Yuki's at Porlyusica's, Storm tends to mope around and cry or sit there looking at the door, waiting for Jellal and Yuki to enter. It's not good that she's really ill and I want Jellal to get it sorted, properly but I know that I shouldn't since he doesn't want to take any risks. Yuki's started to grow dark purple hair which is probably a mix between Jellal's and Erza's and she has a red mark on her right eye, just like Jellal.

Jellal doesn't let Yuki out of his sight much and likes to keep her close. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it gets really annoying. He's a little hesitant sometimes with Yuki playing with Storm.

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