Yuki's 8th birthday- X812

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Gray's POV

I can't believe that Storm's already 9 and Yuki is 8, today! For an 8 year old, Yuki's pretty mature and... well, it's not natural, right? Jellal's still really protective of Yuki and she still doesn't have much freedom. She's not allowed out of the guild without an adult.

Storm's been really giddy about Yuki's birthday lately and is pretty excited about giving Yuki his gift to her. Juvia and I have been wondering what it is but whenever we ask, he changes the subject and wouldn't say what it was. He's hidden it somewhere pretty well...

Yuki's POV

It's my 8th birthday today, and I guess I'm kinda happy. The thing is, it's also been 8 years since my mum died. Even though dad says that I should be happy and all, I still can't help but feel guilty. I killed her so I could live. Dad always said that mum loves me and that she wouldn't want me to be sad, but it's hard. Sometimes, I wonder if dad secretly hates me and still resents me but pretends to care since I'm the only living thing that reminds him of mum and his only remaining family. Since the age of 5, I've understood what happened at my birth and it's kinda weird since kids that age shouldn't understand about that kind of stuff. Uncle Gray says that I act too mature and I need to be more childish. When I understood about what happened to my mum and stuff, I told my dad that I didn't want parties anymore since it was like we were all celebrating my mum's death.

I sigh as I jump off of my bed and look at my own reflection in the mirror. I look at the girl with red hair, warm brown eyes and a red mark on her right eye stare back at me. After a few more seconds of staring at the reflection, I used my magic to change my outfit from my blue pyjamas to a plain black dress and my hair was tied up by a black ribbon. Aunt Mirajane had taught me a little of my mum's magic. I gave my reflection a sad smile before I leave the house, making sure dad wouldn't hear me.

On my way to my destination, I went to a florist and bought a bouquet of flowers with the pocket money Aunt Juvia had given me, and visited my mum's grave. For the last few years, I've visited my mum on my birthday and talked to her gravestone, hoping that maybe she could hear me. This year, I hardly said anything. I just sat there, keeping her company for god knows how long.

"I thought I'd find you here" said a voice behind me and I turn to see a boy with dark blue hair and blue eyes, smiling at me. I gave him a slight smile in return. "Come on, it's lonely in the guild without you." I sigh softly and turn to look at my mother's gravestone, saying goodbye before getting up and leaving with Storm. "Hey, wanna play old maid today?" (a card game) I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine." I agreed and he nodded. We walked back to the guild, discussing about the other kids of Fairy Tail. When we got there, the guild seemed pretty... quiet... something seemed up.

"SURPRISE!!!" Shouted Meredy nee-chan as she let off a party popper and other mages jumped out from under the table, firing party poppers. It made me smile.

"Thanks everyone." I smiled and turned around to look at Storm. But he was gone. When I turned back around, I saw a strawberry cake in Aunt Mirajane's hands and I froze, with my eyes wide. Before I know it, I ran away from the guild and let my legs take me wherever.

Storm's POV

Yesterday, I planned a party for Yuki since she hasn't had one in like, years! I asked Aunt Mirajane to bake a strawberry cake for her since I knew that it was Yuki's favorite food. When Aunt Meredy let off her party popper, I went back home to get changed into the clothes mum had set out for me and to get my present for Yuki. When I left the house, I saw a flash of red hair as someone ran past. I furrowed my eyebrows and followed after them. Soon, I reach a river and see a red haired figure sitting on the bank with their knees pulled up the their chest. She was wearing a black dress and had a black ribbon in her hair. "What's wrong, Yuki?" I asked as I sat down beside her. She picked at the loose thread on her dress

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