Raijinshuu -X821

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Just a little note- Akira's going to have a slight Northern Accent. Possibly Scottish. I imagine her voice to sound like Olivia Morgan's. If you're an AC fan, she played James Kidd/Mary Read.


Ash's POV
Since Akira is now heir to the throne, the High King had decided that she should start getting educated more often. I get to see her less and less everyday. She's really smart and she gets small breaks every so often. She hardly has time to play, but she says that she doesn't mind. When I get to see her, she's always reading a book or sometimes, she's doing extra work. Although the High King doesn't really like me, he still allows me to see Akira on her breaks so she's happy and has company. Some breaks, we practise dancing together, which she really enjoys.

I feel really lonely again since Akira's almost always busy with her studies. The High King has decided that her birthday is the day that she became one of us. I don't think she likes birthdays because when I asked her about how she used to celebrate her birthday, she scowled at me and changed the subject.

The other day, I gave her a necklace to replace the cheap metal around her neck. The necklace I have her was quite similar to the one on her neck but when I gave it to her, telling her it was to replace the shabby one on her, she clenched her fist and glared at me before sighing. She told me that her 'supposedly cheap metal' around her neck made her feel like she had to go somewhere and that she should never take it off, or replace it. She said that she thought that in her past, someone special had given it to her and that it might help her remember who she was. So now I know never to get her a necklace.

Akira's POV
Studying a lot is kinda hard. I know that it will do me good in the future but I just want some freedom. I treasure every second of my breaks and get to spend with Ash since it's really quite and boring. Sometimes, I sneak out and play with Raffie without letting Ash know. I love dragonites. They're so friendly and all, and I hope that I'll be able to find one for myself. But it'll have to wait since I have studies now.

It feels strange, knowing that I've been in this place for almost a year. I want to explore the outside world. I've... Forgotten what it looks like. What colour are the skies? Is the grass green, like the grass in Karakum? What does the sun look like? What are clouds? Where did I use to belong in? Perhaps someday, I will find out. Perhaps my memories will come back.

For the last three days, I haven't seen Ash during my breaks and it's getting really lonely without him. I'm starting to wonder if he doesn't like me anymore since I'm heir to ruling Karakum, despite me not being the biological daughter of the current King. Perhaps he's afraid that someday, I'll be embarrassed to have him as a friend.

I sigh as I put my pen down and rub my eyes, tired of studying and looked up at the clock. I had break in 5 minutes. If Ash doesn't come today, I'm gonna go and find him. I'm so bored.

I decided to take my break early. I really could not be bothered to study any further. I waited for Ash to come for a few minutes but he never turned up so I jumped out of the window and climbed up the building, then sat on the edge of the rooftop, looking up at the blood red sky. Maybe I angered him when I told him that I didn't want the necklace he gave me. He just doesn't understand that I can't take it off. It makes me feel like I was wanted before I came here. Someone special might have given it to me. Maybe they're looking for me. Sure, I've been here for 9 years, but I'm not going to lose that hope of someone looking for me. Perhaps one day, when I have my freedom, I will go to the earthworld, and see if any memories flood back to me.

"Ash, where are you?" I sighed as I closed my eyes.
"Right here" replied a deep voice and I opened my eyes to see the white haired boy with icy blue eyes, smile at me as he sat down beside me. I glared at him and punched his arm gently as I knelt beside him
"Where have you been?! I've been so lonely and it's too quiet without you! What have you been doing?!" I asked in a hurry as I grabbed his arm, shaking him to try to get the answers from him. My teeth elongated from the frustration but I ignored them as I waited for my answers.
"Just... Come with me" he smiled as he tucked my dark hair behind my ear. Ever since my eyes change colour, I covered my 'dead' eye with my fringe, afraid to show it. I hated it so much.

Ash lead me off the rooftops and when we touched the ground, he blindfolded me and lead me somewhere. It took me a while to get there since I kept stumbling, but when we got there, it was worth it. When we reached the destination, Ash took off the blindfold and I gasped. Standing in front of me was Raffie and beside him stood a black dragonite with a white mane and red eyes. In a way, it resembled me a little with my eye and I smiled.
"Try bonding with him first" said Ash as he gently nudged me towards the creature. Hesitantly, I reached a hand out to touch the dragonite and it looked at me with his fiery eyes. He looked down at my hand and I could feel his warm breath on my skin. I looked at his eyes again and I put a hand on his head, holding it still for a few seconds.

So you're the future ruler of Karakum.
His voice boomed inside my head. I flinched and withdrew my hand. He bent one of his knees and vowed his head down at me. I looked over at Ash who stood there, chuckling.

It'd be an honour to serve you, Miss Akira.
He said as he stood back up, looking at. I smiled. I guess he accepted me I thought to myself.

"What's your name?" I asked him and he shook his head

I have no name

I nodded slightly and put my hand on his chest, feeling his heavy heartbeat
"How about Raijinshuu? It means Thunder God." I grinned and he made a snorting nose in response.

I like it, Miss Akira. From now on, I am Raijinshuu.
He bowed his head down again and spread his wings, showing his spot black feathers.

"Happy belated birthday, Akira" smiled Ash as he bowed down "you didn't like the necklace, and Raffie suggested getting you a dragonite" Raffie gave a grunt

Happy birthday. Sorry it took so long. It took us a while to find a dragonite.
Said Raffie and I pet his head

"Don't worry about it" I murmured and turned to look at Ash
"Thank you so much! I love him" I smiled as I hugged Ash. He awkwardly hugged me back and I soon let go.

Shall we all go for a ride?
Asked Raijinshuu as he took a few steps towards me. I turned to look at Ash who looked at me blankly

"What?" He asked.
"Raijinshuu asked if we all wanted to go for a ride. Didn't you hear him?"

No. Because I haven't bonded with him. The one I have bonded with is you, my master
Raijinshuu answered as he stood beside me. He was a little bigger than Raffie and towered over me. I smiled.

"So shall we all go?" I asked and Ash nodded
"Yes. Let's!" He replied as Raffie walked towards him. I looked up at Raijinshuu and he knelt down as I climbed onto his back.

My own dragonite!

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