Chapter 3

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Laxus' POV

Gah, Natsu had to have a kid, didn't he? Now, instead of one destructive flame-brain, we have two stupid flame-brains. He's spreading the idiocy and I don't like it. Every 10-15 minutes, we see things on fire because of Nashi being bored and setting things on fire so we have to keep calling Juvia to put the fire out. Today is Raito's 3rd birthday and I got her a pair of headphones so she could use it in the future. She likes my headphones but I ain't giving them to her. They're mine.
Mira's got a few dresses for Raito as a birthday present.

Raito and Nashi get along so I guess the good thing about Nashi is that Raito doesn't get lonely. Asuka's 11 years old already and plays a lot with the kids. She's pretty rebellious against her parents even though she isn't a teenager yet and I really hope Raito doesn't become like that.

Mira baked a strawberry cake for Raito and Nashi tried to light the candle for Raito but ended up setting Mira's dress on fire and burning the cake. Mira's been protecting the cake for the last 6 hours, making sure that Erza didn't get anywhere near it so now, Mira's pretty annoyed that the cake has been ruined. Raito started to cry and Erza had disappeared.

Erza's POV

Mira's cakes are really good so I keep stealing them. But it's Raito's birthday today so I didn't try to steal it. When it was time for the cake, Nashi tried to be helpful and light the candles but ended up burning the cake and ruining Mira's dress and now, Mira seems pretty peeved off. I walk out of the guild, heading towards my favourite bakery and order a super special cake to be freshly made, with the rarest strawberry and tastiest star mangoes. I return after 1 and 1/2 hours to find both Nashi and Raito crying. I sigh and set the cake on the table. I get a stick and ask Nashi to light it for me and she does, stopping her tears. I light the candles on the cake and look at Mira, smiling and she smiles back.
"Look Raito, look at what Aunt Erza got you," she says softly and Raito wipes her tears, looking at the cake. On the cake, it said, "Happy 3rd Birthday Raito Dreyar," in her favourite colours and she stops crying. "Thank you!" She says shyly and everyone sings happy birthday to her. She makes a wish and and blows the candles.

Levy's POV

Gajeel didn't seem interested about Raito's birthday. He just seemed really upset and sat on a table by himself, chewing on some bits of iron. When I get a piece of cake, I go and sit with Mr. Grumpy Gills and give him the plate. "What's wrong, Gajeel? You seem so depressed."
He looks over at me and then looks away, sighing. "nothing's wrong." He growls and he props his chin up with his hand.
"There is. You can tell me anything you know." I try and look at his face but he keeps looking away "Do you me anymore, Gajeel?" I ask quietly and look down. It caused him to turn his head quickly and widen his eyes at me. Both of his large hands grip my small arms tightly and I flinch, my eyes not meeting his.
"Levy, what the heck made you think of that? Just because I'm not in the mood to talk, doesn't mean I don't..."

Gajeel's POV

I couldn't say the words. I couldn't say the words 'love you'. It didn't feel right for them to come out of my mouth, even though I blurted them out the other night at the river, it still didn't sound right. I love that shrimp to bits but it feels too awkward to say it "Lo-" I begin, awkwardly but she cuts me off.
"I get it. I'm sorry, I didn't realize you felt that way about me. I got my hopes up but I guess it was stupid of me, huh?" She puts on a small smile and looks up at me, but all I see are eyes full of sadness and tears. "You said you loved me the other night at the river but I guess that was a lie, huh?" She starts to move away from me and jumps off the bench, leaving me speechless and alone on the table. I look down at the cake and shove it in front of Pantherlily, who was flying around with Carla and chase after the shrimp. Gah, why am I so stupid?!
After a while, I find her curled up behind one of Cana's barrels of alcohol and kneel down in front of her, reaching out to wipe her tears. "You didn't let me finish." I huffed and pulled her towards me. She struggled so much against me, kicking and punching and pushing me away and I admit, it hurt. Not physically, but mentally. It hurts so much when the person you love is trying to push you away. "I love you, shrimp. The reason why I hesitated was 'cause I feel awkward saying it. It doesn't sound right, coming from my mouth. I know I seemed to have said it okay the other night but... I'm sorry Shrimp. I love you, okay. I will never stop loving you. I will always love you, okay?" She stops struggling and she pants as she lays her head on my chest. She looks up at me with a small smile and laughs slightly
"Your cheeks are all red, Gajeel," she whispers and her voice cracks at my name. She swallows and gives me a big smile and I smile back at her. She cups my face with her small hands and kisses me. My eyes widen at her but soon, I relax and kiss her back. I guess she's forgiven me, eh?
"So why were you upset, Gajeel?"

"Because I really want a family. Because I really want to have a family with you," I mumble, embarrassed. I felt my cheeks get even warmer.

"Then let's make it happen," she whispers back and I smile as I kiss her again.

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