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Gray's POV
Jellal's hardly around these days after Erza's... Passing. It still doesn't feel right that Erza's no longer with us. Porlyusica came over to the guild one day, with a frown imprinted on her face as she looked for Master. She held something small in her hands which was wrapped in white cloth.
"What is it?" Asked Master as he jumped off of the bar table and walked over to her. Porlyusica just looked down at him and moved the cloth a little to reveal a baby's face.
"A baby. Jellal's not been back after Erza's passing and he's not even looked at the baby. I think he's resented her." She sighed "She hasn't even got a name yet."
Master looked at the baby and swallowed. He too wasn't used to the fact of Erza's death. Nobody in Fairy Tail was. It was so... Unexpected I guess. Storm chewed on my finger as I looked at the baby in Porlyusica's arms and then he reached his hand out towards the small child wrapped in cloth, making baby sounds as he made grabbing motions at the cloth. I picked him up so he could get a better look at the baby. Storm was already 3 months old and has started to grow tufts of navy blue hair, which was a little on the lighter side because of Juvia's hair. When I looked at the baby, I saw her eyes. They looked like Erza's. Brown and gentle yet a little sharp. She also had a red mark on her right eye, just like Jellal's. Storm smiled a toothless smile at the baby and let out some squeals as he clapped a little, trying to get the attention of the baby girl
"Who's going to look after her?" I asked and Porlyusica turns to face me. Her eyes sent shivers down my spine
"I for one, am not taking the child" she said bluntly and looked at Storm "how about you? Your son could keep the baby company." She suggested and I looked over at Juvia, who looked at the baby.
"Okay" Juvia said as she stood up, looking over at the baby "but what do we call her?" She asked as she looked up at me. I shrugged
"It snowed a little the other day. How does Yuki sound?" I suggested and Juvia nodded.
"Yuki it is then" Porlyusica agreed and placed the baby in Juvia's arms quickly and took a few steps back "don't forget. That child is Jellal's." Porlyusica warned as she walked out. I looked down at Yuki and gave her a small smile, in which she responded by pulling at Juvia's hair before falling asleep a little while after.

Jellal's POV
I can't... Not yet... I can't let her go... Not after 20 years of loving her. I thought that I had repented for my sins, for all that I had done through Crime Sorciere... But it wasn't enough. Why should she die? She was so... She didn't deserve it. I should have died, not her. She should have lived longer. Now, I feel like a waste of space. I feel like I have no reason to be here, and that there is a huge part of me missing. I'm numb. I haven't even looked at our daughter. I'm... Too scared I guess. Too scared of her reminding me of... Erza. Too scared that when she grows up, she'll keep asking for her mum and I'll have to tell her that she died.

The days have all merged together into one. I can't remember how long ago she passed away, but I miss her so much. There are still so many tears, demanding to be let out. My chest hurts. My daughter shouldn't have to suffer... And yet, here I am. Being a coward. I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do. Maybe I should just leave this city behind and never let her know that I am her father. She deserves to be in a happy family with a mum and dad. Not a family which was torn apart.

It's hard planning and thinking about a funeral. I'm not ready to say goodbye. Erza's always been there, whether physically or mentally there, she was always there for me in a way. She kept me going. Saying goodbye is like saying goodbye to your shadow, it's impossible because you're attached. I don't want to say goodbye. I need to see her again. Did she know that she was loved? Did she ever get to hear her daughter cry?

Meredy's POV
I don't blame Jellal for being so upset about Erza, but he's being pretty mean to Yuki for ignoring her. I mean, yeah, it hurts to see your own child which was the cause of your partner's death, but at least let your child have a happy life. Yuki is a week old now and Jellal still hasn't been seen. Storm gets along great with her and all. Jellal's missing out on so much. He should watch his daughter grow. Come on Jellal, you can't hide from her forever.

Gray's POV
Not once has Jellal visited Yuki. It's already been two months. No one has seen him around Magnolia. Whether he has left or not remains a mystery. Yuki and Storm get on really well, they're pretty close and kind of inseparable. Take one away and the other bawls their eyes out. Yuki is a pretty sickly child. According to Porlyusica, due to the extra time of growing inside Erza and the strength of Erza's and Jellal's magic, she has too much magic, just like Ultear and she has to constantly go to Porlyusica's for treatment. She gets fevers frequently and throws up more than Storm does. Sure, it's annoying but Yuki's like a daughter to Juvia and me now so we treat her like our own. I just hope Jellal comes back soon, I'm sure his daughter would want to see her true dad.

A few days later...

Jellal's POV
I've nearly finished the... Planning for her. I still feel empty and the tears still haven't all been let out. They're coming back all the time. I can barely speak because of the lump in my throat just seems to get bigger and never shrink. Everyone is invited to her... Funeral, so they can all say their final goodbyes to her. I still don't know whether to go and see my daughter. I haven't even given her a name. I'm a terrible father already. I don't deserve her. She doesn't deserve someone like me. She deserves someone better.

Invitations for the funeral have been distributed to the Fairy Tail guild and the guy who works at Erza's favourite cake bakery via Racer. Should my daughter be at the funeral, I may go and see her. I wonder if she has a name yet?

Day of the funeral

Levy's POV
Everyone at the guild attended to Erza's funeral. It still hasn't sunk in with everyone that Erza is no longer with us. It doesn't seem right, she was so strong and many of us were so sure that she would pull through but... She's gone. Yuki's never going to get to know her mum. And maybe even her dad since no one has seen him and he hasn't visited. At the funeral, everyone cried. Even Gajeel and Elfman. Laxus shed a single tear and tried to conceal it, whereas Master, well it was like Niagara Falls from his eyes.
"I can't believe that one of the kids that I have raised and watched grow up has passed before me," he said "but she will forever be with us, in our hearts. Fairy Tail shall never forget Titania, the 7th Guild Master, Erza Scarlet." His voice shook as he spoke and Evergreen cried even more at the name 'Titania'. In the shadows, someone in a black cloak stood under a tree, head in his hands as his body shook from crying. I started walking to him but in a blink, he was gone.

Come on, you need to stay strong for your daughter. Please stop hiding and watch your daughter grow. Give her a name. I know it's hard, but she's a part of Erza. Love her like you loved Erza. Don't resent her, none of it was anyone's fault.

Erza would have wanted it.

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