The Second Apprentice

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"You shall be meeting your new sparring partner today." Master Seris explained as we walked down the halls of her estate.

Yeah I call her Master now, she's been teaching me pretty damn good for the last 3 years, and she deserves that much respect.

She's better than my old teachers who just didn't care about me as long as I got the job done.

I'm still confused on why you're even helping me, considering I made it that way.

I don't believe that you created my entire life and all my experiences out of nowhere, you must have caught a glimpse of my life somehow. No one has that much power, not even the so-called gods of this world.

It's a possibility, probably is. I was totally powerless before I came here.

Yeah you got that right, the voice in my head is none other than Markus Henderson, a person I had created and inserted into this world. From what I have deduced, the events leading to his rebirth occurred as planned, but before he could actually reincarnate, I interfered by taking control of the body. In layman's terms, there are 2 souls in this body, one more dominant than the other.

Who are you talking to?

Oh, nobody. Just the readers.

The what?

Never mind that now.

Was that a fourth wall break? Absolutely. Will it happen again? You can count on it.

You're one strange individual.

You got that right.

By now we had reached the room the mystery person was staying in, and Master Seris opened the door with a click.

Inside was similar to my own, a simple bed, a dresser, a table for studying, and a bookshelf.

Well, the last two did not apply to my room, since I had already been educated in my last life, albeit I could not finish it before I was sent here. As such the only books in my room were the more mana related ones.

"Master," The recipient of the room bowed curtly as we entered. Upon closer inspection she, for it was a girl, had midnight blue, almost navy hair and a pair of red eyes.

"You may rise," Master Seris spoke with a hint of distaste, she wasn't particularly fond of such formalities.

The girl arose, and upon noticing me bowed slightly again, "Caera of Highblood Denoir," she introduced herself.

I inclined my head in response, "Fayden Vritra." I had been taught to refrain from using my last name. I was an orphan with an uncanny talent for mana manipulation and caught Master Seris' eye, leading to her adopting me. That was supposed to be my backstory.

Caera widened her eyes, glancing between me and Seris, probably searching for similarities.

"I'm adopted." I clarified, wanting to get that out of the way. Don't need people thinking I'm blood related to her.

Her widened eyes went back to normal and she nodded in understanding. 

"Get to know each other, and get to the sparring room in an hour." Master ordered as she walked away.

"I suppose we'll be partners from today." I began, "So maybe get to know each other? Our weapons of choice? Or I dunno, hobbies or something?"

Very smooth.

Oh, shut up. I have no experience in talking to women okay?

"I am proficient in swordsmanship. And hobbies, really? You had nothing better?" She cracked a small grin at that.

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