𝟎𝟎𝟓: 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥

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. *. ⋆🏫 HAPPY PLACE 🏫. *.
chapter five.

PRANKING THE teacher seemed to have been the perfect icebreaker opportunity for the group, as once they returned back to the library, they all sat themselves back around the one table that they had moved to when discussing the prank.

discussions were being heard throughout the group, with theodora coming out of her shell slightly to ruby, who took it upon herself to make sure theodora was okay after seeing the look of uncertainty that still rested on her face after having set up the prank for mr. bennett.

corbyn set himself up next to venus, who gave him a roll of the eyes. he took that with a smile, him joining her on leaning back on her chair. every so often he would steal glances at the girl of whom he has had a long history with, appreciating that even after all that happened between them, she could still look him in the eye and give him the sarcastic behaviour he had grown to admire over the years.

it seemed that the only two in the group who weren't talking to one another was elodie and jack. no surprise there. instead of talking, there would be narrowing glares sent to one another if they caught the other one looking their way, and for elodie, she would also give him the roll of the eyes at the same time. all of which was just amusing jack as the time went along.

"i think you might want to check your girlfriend has gotten herself stuck down the toilet- she's been gone an awful long time." venus looked at corbyn, no sincerity at all hidden in her words.

"you seem to be mentioning her a lot venus- sure you don't have a thing for her?" corbyn hit back, watching venus roll her eyes at his words- clearly not impressed.

"i may swing both ways corbyn but the fact you would think i would go for her, insults me." venus shook her head in disgust, making corbyn break out into a laugh.

"oh really?"

"oh bite me." venus said with a sarcastic tone, corbyn giving her a shove as they both let out laughs. it was clear that even though they had been friends with benefits in the past, both venus and corbyn still had their friendship from before it had become a sexual kind.

elodie watched venus and corbyn talk amongst themselves, the blonde ready to question her best friend about everything involving corbyn once they got out of this day of detention. even though she knew of everything that had happened between corbyn and venus, elodie knew that venus had been impacted when corbyn ended their situation when he got with his girlfriend.

"hey vee- mind coming with me to the bathroom?" elodie widened her eyes at her best friend, mentally telling her that she needed to talk to her- somewhere in private.

"why do girls always go to the bathroom together?" jack asked upon hearing elodie's question to venus . he was met with the look of pure disgust once again from the blonde girl sat across from him.

"now that avery sweetie- is none of your fucking business." elodie gave him a sarcastic smile and wave before getting up from her chair, her and venus making their ways of out of the library.

"oh besson, i would be careful of your bitch ass girlfriend- who knows i could swing her to the dark side." corbyn gave a laughing venus the middle finger, keeping the finger up until venus and elodie were no longer present in the room.

"you two need to get rid of this sexual energy that is suffocating all of us." zach pointed at corbyn, making him scoff in response to the youngest male of the group. "and you jack- you and elodie need to sort yourselves out."

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