Part 2 rescue

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                                                               Picture of Jamie (I do not own this picture)

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                                                               Picture of Jamie (I do not own this picture)

                                                               Picture of Jamie (I do not own this picture)

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                             Picture of Farah (I don't own this picture)

October 31st 2002

Farrah POV

I have been working at the diner for almost a month now the things are starting to look up for me. To be free of my parents and Shane was like a huge Boulder have been removed. I didn't have to walk on eggshells anymore I could go outside make friends not have to keep up appearances. Then there was also the fact that I could keep my most precious gift. I haven't started showing yet but my boss knows about my condition. I've been able to save enough money to pay for a hotel with the kitchenette  it's not much but it's mine and it's safe. Most important it's not the shelter I lived in when I first got to town. It was dirty and people stole but they did have programs that helped me graduate on time and helped me get on my feet. I still remember the day I told Shane I was pregnant.

Flashback 2 months ago

Hurry the hell up b**** Shane yelled from downstairs I had peed on the pregnancy test and had it sitting on the sink I waited the 5 minutes and stared down at two pink lines showing that I was pregnant My heart sank I was planning on going to college to get away from Shane and my family but now with this news it felt like I will be stuck with him forever. Shane charged into the bathroom and I quickly pulled up my underwear and knee-length skirt. What the hell is taking you so long he yelled his eyes landed on the pregnancy test and then back at me you stupid s*** you got yourself knocked up didn't you shane grabbed my shoulders painfully but I didn't make a sound I know that would only anger him more I shook my head back and forth but Shane's grip tightened. You think I want to have you walking around carrying a half black bastard in your stomach right now Shane yelled into my face. Shane it's fine I can just go away you won't have to ever see us again I whisper it looking down a hard hand crashed against my face the sound of the impact thundered in my ears what the f*** did you say Farah you think I'm going to let you take my kid and run off you think I'm going to let you go so you can go f*** some other guy Shane had turned bright red his blue eyes had dark and they were bucking out of his head are they still shivering on the cold linoleum floor of the bathroom Shane's fist connected with my jaw and I taste the copper Tang of blood in my mouth please Shane I'm sorry I was being stupid again please please don't hurt me I begged the sound of the door opening and closing was the only thing that stops Shane from  continuing his assault on me he fixed his clothes and left the bathroom greeting my parents. My father was the first to enter the bathroom and see the state I was left in but as always he blamed me for the abuse. He picked up the pregnancy test and I had me suspiciously what have you done now girl my father said. I'm sorry I chanted over and over . My father said to me ,you will keep this child this will cement my spot in the company. then he smiled I knew you were good for something he said and left the room.

End of flashback

Thinking of that memory made me shudder as I wipe down the counters and refill the ketchup bottles during my midnight shift it was always quiet this time of night so I kept myself busy by cleaning and restocking everything for the morning crowd. The only people that really ever came was an old man who had lost his wife and just wanted conversation until he was tired and two cops that also worked my time of night they were fairly decent folks. It was Halloween night so when a guy came in wearing a Jason mask and the overalls I didn't think anything of it figured he just came from a party or something. He walked a bit close to me as I showed him to the booth I was a little startled by his appearance which caused me to forget the menu I walked over to the counter and then realize he had followed me he threw a coin bag onto the counter I was puzzled for a moment then my eyes rested on the Smith & Wesson gun he was holding fill it up he said with shaky hands I grabbed the bag and began loading it with money there wasn't much since it had been a slow night in the morning shift always put the money they made into the bank right after the shift. The bag look fairly empty even to me it is suspiciously grabbing my arm he pulled me to the back of the diner show me the safe he said.

I quickly opened the save and show that there was nothing there this angered the man even more he sent a shocking punch directly to the side of my face much like Shane used to there was nothing to grab hold to as I fell to the ground I can't believe I did all this work for a few lousy bucks he said to me I tried to stay quiet hoping maybe he would lose interest in the attack but I had no such luck I never did. He pulled me up by my ponytail where the f*** is the rest of the money he said in my face. They take the money out every every shift except the night morning shift takes that I rambled on this seemed to anger him even more his grip on my hair tight and painfully suddenly we heard the chime the signaled the door to the diner had been opened by someone the robber flung me to the ground and tried to take off out the back exit but the door was locked I kept it locked so that no one could sneak in and attack me what good that did me. He yanked and snatched on the door but it wouldn't budge he grabbed me open the f****** door open it now he yelled into my face I pulled the keys out of my pocket and drop them I tried to pick him up again but my hands were shaking so badly I fumbled and dropped them again his heavy hand slapped me and I fell into a shelf that hell cans they all came crashing down beneath me. Put your hands up I heard The familiar voice of deputy Jamie yell out. She looks so powerful in her uniform I could see the muscles bulging underneath it her ice blue eyes had turned deadly so deadly that even I had to shiver the man quickly tossed the gun and put his hands up she entered the back of the diner and handcuffed the robber she called Craig over to escort the man to the squad car then she nailed down beside me hey beautiful you okay she said softly I noticed when she talked to me as opposed to everyone else she was extremely delicate like I was a flower or something. She touched the bruise that had begun to form on my cheek and I flinched hey hey it's okay she said I'm here I got you she pulled me into a comforting hug and I'm lost it in her arms I began to sob and cling to her while she held me in her strong arms. It was the safest I had ever felt in my life.

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