Part 4 pillows

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November 4 2002

Farah pov

I knew my first day back would make me nervous but it was increased by the fact that I have rode in a squad car alone with Jamie I don't know what it was about her that made me nervous or maybe just created those little butterflies in my stomach I had always assumed I was straight but then why would I get butterflies from a woman granted she doesn't exude femininity but she's a woman nonetheless I never really got a chance to know if I was straight or not all I know is one day I was playing with dolls in the next day my father and Shane's father we're introducing us and that was that I was his. No one ever asks hey do you like Shane do you like boys where I come from the higher you are in society the less charge you have of your life my parents were both social climbers and getting their daughter involved with the head of a billion dollar company was the next best thing to elevate them further. Even though I had these feelings towards Jamie I was still confused by them. It didn't matter anyhow she saw me as some kid some charity case plus she may not even be gay and add to that the fact that I'm still pregnant and there's no help for whatever sliver of a relationship that I could possibly want to have with her.

I decide to forgo the pie and make her a triple chocolate cake since there's aren't any customers coming in. I wipe down all the counters then the windows I scrape the gum from under the tables anything to keep busy and keep my mind off what happened a few days ago only two regulars come in at the end of my shift while I'm closing everything down and putting the locks on the windows Jamie comes in wearing her uniform Craig is not with her this time hey squirt she says hey Jamie how was your shift I asked quiet as usual we hardly get any excitement here she says waving me off. Same here I say I only got two customers all night. Hey you want me to give you a ride back home Jamie asks that will be wonderful I tell her give me a second I have a few things to grab from in the back I rush to the back grab my fanny pack and Walkman next I grab the cake that I've already boxed up for her I hope you like it I say nervously hurt them lips curve into a smile I bet I will she says to me I Giggle like a school girl no wonder if she sees me as a kid. After I lock up the diner she helps me into the squad car I get a whiff of the cologne she's wearing it's musky and woodsy I lean in and voluntarily causing my lips to brush against her neck I blush instantly sorry I say quickly no worries she says. No really I don't know what came over me I say. Hey you don't see me complaining about a beautiful girl kissing me on the neck do you Jamie says. She shuts the door to the passenger side and get sand on the driver side I'm still in shocked by what she says.

So your I say stretching the yourrrrr.   gay gay Jamie says finishing for me.  yeah you like girls I ask her.  Jamie nods and looks over from the road at me , you? she asked I shake my head and her face  drains of emotion. Feeling like I am blowing my chance i quickly add  I don't know ,I've only been in one relationship with the guy but my parents made us and he was a bit of an a****** I say. Jamie nods in understanding then focuses back on the road so you and this guy was it serious Jamie asked. I didn't want it to be I admit my parents kind of forced me to see him he was mean and aggressive and abusive but they didn't care nobody cared I admit.  I'm glad you got away Jamie tells me. yeah at first I would have stayed and took the abuse until I found something to fight for I said solemnly. And what was that Jamie asked. my baby I'm pregnant I say pregnant Jamie repeats yeah I understand if that's a problem I say quickly. Jamie shakes her head squirt I feel something for you I'll admit but you're young too young for me to go after you it wouldn't be fair to you Jamie says. Wow you're just like the rest of them huh old Farrah let us tell you what to do you're too dumb to think for yourself you don't know what you want I start ranting and crying . hey that's not what I'm saying kid it's just it wouldn't be fair of me to take advantage of you Jamie says .  I realize we're pulling up to my apartment I look over at Jamie and say look you make me feel things you give me butterflies all over when I see you and I know you feel the same you can call me squirt and kid a million times but it won't change the fact that we both have feelings for each other. I stare over at Jamie for what feels like a million hours then in a flash she reaches over and tugs my head to her our lips crashed into each other. Mmm I moan loud my panties start slicking with my juices. As the kissing increases  I moan even louder oh Jamie I cry out her hands are like octopuses they grab me all over groping my breast squeezing my thighs caressing my hair face neck I'm so turned on I squeeze my legs together when we break apart we're both breathing heavily holy s*** she says. yeah what you said I reply causing her to laugh.

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