Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Justin's POV

I frantically ran outside, looking through the massive crowd walking up and down the streets. "Harmony!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I had hoped that maybe just maybe, that Harmony had wandered off and, it wasn't her dad who took her. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pressed her contact. After a few seconds of ringing, it went to voicemail.

I took a deep breath. Who could I call right now? I can't call Scooter, he'll be pissed that I took in a random girl. I can't call my mom because there's nothing she can do. I could call the police but, then the media would find out. And we definitely don't need the media hunting us down.

My phone buzzed, with a text message from a Unknown number. I unlocked my phone quickly,


I can't call Scooter because it will just make him angry that I took in a homeless girl. I could call the police but, the media would find out. I definitely don't need the media on me. I felt my phone buzz, I looked down to see 'Unknown' printed across the screen. I unlocked my phone quickly and read the message,

'Long time no see huh? I think you should stay out of New York, for your own good. I hope you don't have any of your 'bodyguards' with, or any police. If you want your harmony back, leave. Go home Bieber.'

I reread the message over and over again. 'Go home Bieber' Home? As in Stratford? No, I can't do that. Not without Harmony. I looked around, looking around to see anyone that looks like her scruffy Father. A tall figure was walking into an ally, he had an long trench coat on, pulled where you couldn't see his face. I slipped my phone in my pocket and started to walk behind the man. I hid behind the brick building as he looked to see if anyone was following then he jumped the fence and ran inside a door. I followed him and opened the door, a musty smell filled my nose.

I looked around, the whole entire building was dark. The walls were a musty,dark, green that matched the floor. I walked down the long narrow hallway until I was standing in front of a door. Low voices were talking throughout the building.

"Just kill the girl God damn it!" A deep french accent voice yelled.

"We can't kill her just yet. We need to play with the boys head first." A deeper voice mumbled.

"What else could we possibly do?" I heard a sigh, "I'll be back.' A door slammed, along with footsteps echoing.

I peeked in the small door entrance, luckily both men were gone. I walked in the room with gray walls, there were a fire crackling in a corner and, a long narrow table in the middle of the room. There were two doors, one to the left of the room and, one to the right of the room.One of those doors had to lead to where they were keeping Harmony.

I walked over to the door to the left of the room and, pressed my ear up to the door, to see if I could hear anything. After a few minutes of not hearing anything, I slowly opened the door. The door made a low creaking noise. I looked around, not seeing any human activities going on. There was a bed in the corner of the room, messily made up.

I exited the room and walked into the second door which, led to another hallway. I ran down the hallway opening each door to find nobody. I chewed on the delicate skin of my lips, looking around. I squinted on a faded old rug. It looked as if somebody hurriedly put it there. I scooted the rug to the side, where a small door on the floor was.

I looked around for the key, that was needed. I grabbed a paper clip and unwired it, then stuck the end into the slot. With a 'click' the door was unlocked. It swung open, allowing me to climb down the narrow steps. There were no lights on, and just like upstairs, it was musty. I heard yells of pleading, coming from over in the corner.



updated on 4/6/14

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