Chapter 51

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{please stop complaining or trying to criticize my writing in the comments. not to sound rude, but i have no fear of the block button.}

Chapter 51

Harmony's POV

The few days had passed what seemed quickly to lead to the big day; escaping day. Justin had explained to me the plan to leave unharmed in what seemed to be the fifth time. Our nerves were setting in, causing us to argue over the stupidest things. After all, there were bars shielding us from saying or doing anything. The guards seemed unalarmed from our behavior. We didn't need them, or my dad to find out about our plan. If they somehow did, we'd never escape this hell hole.

My dad allowed me to walk around the house again, a advantage for Justin and I. I had walked around the house so many times, that I could pinpoint out every guard station and door that leads out. Even though Justin was locked in his cell, I described the way the house looked. When he first came here, he got to see what the front of the rooms looked like. Even if he doesn't know where every room in the house leads to, he should be able to climb out of a window.

As the day progressed through, my thoughts got shakier and shakier. They were tangled around my brain, like vines wrapped around trees. A question kept popping up, 'what if only one of us escapes?' What happens when Justin is the one to escape, or I'm the one to escape? My dad will kill either one of us. Whoever is left here, life will be on the line. Justin ensured me that everything would be okay, and that we would end up leaving together. But then, another question comes to mind. 'What will we do when my dad goes hunting for us again?' Justin is a world famous celebrity, paparazzi take pictures of him everyday, his fans take pictures with him everyday. They always know where he is, what makes the fans and paparazzi's different from my dad? Nothing. He could easily find us and take us back again. Those possibilities kept haunting me, like the past you can never escape. And the past always catches up to you.

edited on 4/23/14

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