Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Justin's POV

Several locations were written down in my phones GPS. I was determined that one of the locations is where Harmony is. I've drove by the strip club that Harmony used to work at, only to find out she was working there the day she went missing. David informed me that he had gave Harmony a letter that somebody had dropped off, and he hasn't seen her since.

The next location on my phone was supposedly her dad, Jamie's house. The street I was driving on, was called Anatole Street, a wealthy neighborhood is in this area. I pulled into the side, where the GPS directed me to. There was a large house, the gates reached up the second story window. I pressed the call box, hoping for a answer from somebody.

"Jamie Lynn talking."

"Let me in, we need to talk."

"Ah Justin, What's in it for me?", I could almost see his cruel smirk.

"Anything, just let me in." Surprisingly, the gate doors flew open. I slowly drove my car down the driveway, extremely precautious for what could happen at any moment. I stepped out of the car, while the front door swung open with large men. The biggest two men grabbed my arms, knocking my sunglasses over, "Watch it." I growled.

The men laughed loudly, as the pulled me inside of the house. The inside was just as marvelous as the outside. Jamie walked out, "We've been expecting you, Justin." He smiled

"Where is she?" He shrugged at the response, making the men laugh again.

"Drug him, boys. Make sure he's locked up tight near her cell, and don't go easy on the beatings."

"What the fu-" Before I could finish my sentence a rag was placed over my face, I held my breath for the longest I could, throwing punches at whatever I could. The last thing I heard was Jamie's sinister laugh, before the lights faded black.

edited 4/23/14

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