Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Harmony's POV

"W-What?" I stuttered out, not believing what I just heard.

"I love everything about you Harmony. I love how your brown eyes sparkle when your happy. I love your laugh. I love how you roll your eyes, when I say something stupid."

I stared dumb founded at him, "You-you  love me?"

He chuckled, "That's what saying, Harmony." I wrapped my arms back around his neck, and looked back into his honey eyes. "I love you too Justin." Our lips met again, this times sending sparks flying across the rooms. His long arms snaked around my waist, pulling me closer. I pulled away, looking back into his eyes that hypnotized me, "Woah.." He smiled, and moved a piece of hair in my face, "How about I take you somewhere tomorrow?"

"Like a date?" I asked.

"Like a date."

I smiled, "That'd be nice." After a few minutes of just standing there, Justin broke the silence and yelled,

"Race you to the bed in 3..2..1!" I raced him inside the bedroom that he stayed in, and slammed the door shut once I made it inside. I dived on the bed, then stood on top of the bedspread, "I win!" Justin ran in quickly, "No! This is the second time you've beat me." He jumped on the bed, joining me. I grabbed his arms, for support, then started jumping on the bed laughing uncontrollably the whole time. I jumped on my butt, so I landed sitting down.

My laughs turned into the most hideous snorts ever, making Justin laugh even harder. I covered my mouth, trying to stop but it ended up getting louder. "Your laugh is contagious." He smirked.

"It's embarrassing." I moaned while face palming myself.

"I think it's cute." He smirked and kissed my cheek, then pulled the blankets over himself and I. "Let's get some sleep, beautiful."

I blushed at the thought of sharing a bed with Justin for the second time in a row. I cuddled in him and closed my eyes, thinking to myself.

I knew I was falling for Justin, hard and fast.

Making my life harder.


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