Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Harmony's POV

The smell of something greasy filled my nostrils as i hopped off the last step. "Morning," a morning voice said. To say it wasn't appealing would be a damn lie, i mean anybody who heard that would be turned on in some ways. "I hope you like pancakes."

I slide into the kitchen bar seat, watching him, "I love them, they were my favorite foods as a kid."

"Really?" He paused, "They were mine too." a image of a smaller Justin came to my mind. i wondered if he had two loving parents, or any siblings. before my mind could process what i was saying, i had asked justin about his parents. a plate with 3 pancakes and 2 slices of turkey bacon sat in front of me. with a plate of his own, justin sat next to me.

"My mom was a single mom, she had to work multiple jobs to pay for my daycare. she wanted me to go to a nice Christian daycare. My dad was off and on in my life until i was 12, a couple years before my manager found me."

"oh." was all i managed to get out, "sorry for asking."

"No, it's totally fine. Anybody really knows that about me. I mean my mom is about to publish a whole book about it." he shrugged it off, "So tell me about you, are your parents together? Seperated? Divorved?"

"My mom is dead." sorrow filled justins eyes, "i'm so sorry harmony." he shook his head,

"No, don't worry about it. Theres other things you should be worrying about, plus my life is totally different from yours. You don't need dragged into this."

"Har-" he started but i quickly cut him off, "End of conversation. I'm going to go get dressed."

"There's some clothes at the end of your bed." He mumbled. I walked back up to the bedroom and slipped on the clothes that justin had set out. I had on a simple sweater, with skinny jeans. The clothes obviously weren't justins, and who they were sparked a question in my head. Why does he have these clothes? Did he keep his exes clothes?

I shook my head from my thoughts, it didn't matter anyways. I'm not his girlfriend, nor will i be. I grabbed the brush in the bathroom and quickly untatted the knots. I walked downstairs, where Justin sat back on the stool but dressed in a new outfit. He looked up at me, grinning. "What?"

"You are so beautiful." He mumbled under his breath, but i quickly caught him. I could feel my face slowly go on fire, and from his expression he seemed to know that i heard him.

Justin just called me beautiful.

he called me beautiful.

what the actual fuck


edited on 2/13/14

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