Chapter 2

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Neither me nor my mum belonged here. I couldn't even be in the academy. Since I look like my dad except for my mums light brown eyes I wasn't allowed in the academy. People feared that I would become as strong as my dad. My mums best friend, Sora, the only one that accepts us, taught me everything I know, she says I'm good enough to be a Chunin, but of cause the village won't allow it. I got off my bed and headed into our study. The study didn't have much. Just a desk infront as you walk in, filing Cabinet to the right of the door and a huge cupboard next to the filing cabinet. I opened the cupboard and pulled out a large wooden box which was filled with all sorts of photos: when mum was growing up, her and dad, when mum was pregnant with me and me growing up. I rummaged through the photos, Taking out any of the ones that included dad. I picked up the small pile and headed to my room, jumping on my bed and looked at the photos. Even thought I hade already seen some of them, I liked to look at my dad. I always wondered why dad wore that mask, I think mum was one of the only people to see his face. They looked so happy. I came across a picture of dad doing a jutsu, a jutsu that mum said he called 'Chidori'. I studied the picture, trying to figure out how to do it. I had inherited lightening and water style chakra from him and I don't think it would be a problem to learn the jutsu. After about 20 minutes of staring at the picture I figured it out. In his hand there was normal chakra and all around it was lighting, which meant that all there was to do was to add lighting style.
I hopped off my bed and headed outside, and began practicing. I controlled my chakra into my hand and added lightning style to it, it didn't work, why?. Then it hit me. WHY WAS I SO STUPID, YOU CAN'T DO A JUTSU WITHOUT HANDSIGNS!!. I buried my head into my hands from frustration. How could I have been so stupid. I have no idea why but my anger drove me to want to be more like my dad. I looked like him, I had the same chakra natures as him and mum says that whenever I get into an intense battle, I fight like him.
I wonder what it would be like to go to the hidden leaf. Even though I was born in the Hidden Lock Village I was never a qualified ninja, I never became a genin or had an actual sensei, besides people never liked me anyways I think they'll enjoy not having the daughter of Kakashi of the sharingan in their midst. But what about mum? She never got that much respect either. I lowered my head. The Hidden leaf was my only option, in order to start over and have a good life, the best part was my dad, I felt a little respected and I wanted to be as good as him. I couldn't help the feeling. I sighed closing my eyes. And ran into the house to pack what little I had. I was going to the hidden leaf village.

Kakashi's daughter!? Kiba love story!?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu