Chapter 4

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4 hours later I made it to the Hidden lead Village. The whole place was lit up, from the streets to the houses. Was there some sort of festival occurring? I walked down a street, looking at the different shops and stalls.

Wait, now that I'm here I should really look for dad

I walked into a gift shop and looked around. The shop was made out of wood, from top to bottom, and the stuff that was being sold was either something to hang or put in your room, to wear or was small enough to pot in your pocket, but everything wasn't ordered on shelving, it was everywhere, as in hanging from the ceiling, placed on the ground, crammed on shelving or hanging on the walls. I studied the shop until I noticed the lady behind the counter. I smiled nervously at her, trying on not to state the obvious about the weird organisation of her shop. She looked weird, she was a little big, wore black pants, green shirt, black apron and had thick black curly hair.

"Welcome." she waved.

"Ahh, high." I said, a little nervous.

"How may I help you? See anything you like?"

"Well....I actually have a question."

"What question?"

"Do you happen to know a ninja in this village by the name of Kakashi Hatake?" I asked, coming up to the counter.

"Oh my, who doesn't know Kakashi Hatake? Are you new in this village?"

"Yes I am, I have heard of him, I'm just looking for him."

"On a night like this? the streets are alive, I don't think you'll have a problem looking for him, just stay in the streets, I bet every ninja should be out."

"Thank you." I nodded and headed out.

I walked down the streets looking at all the different shops, noticing other shinobi and people having fun. I sighed. If only people in the hidden lock would act this way; smiling, laughing, being friends, having fun. if only......if only.

"Hey old man Ichiraku, another bowl of ramen please!" A teenage boy said.

I looked ahead and saw a shop named 'Ichiraku Ramen'
My stomach growled.

"Hey, is this seat taken?"

"Hugh?" He turned his head.

He was a boy with long, spiky, blonde hair, blue eyes and 3 whisker marks on his checks.

"Yeah, sure."

I smiled sweetly and took the seat next to him. As I was trying to decide on what to have I had a strange feeling. I  peered over the menu to find the boy staring at me.

"It's rude to stare."

"Sorry" he said shaking his head "It's  just that I never seen you before, where are you from?"

"The hidden lock village"

"The hidden lock village, I've never heared of it. How old are you?"


"So am I, oh, and I'm Naruto by the way Naruto Uzumaki."

"Kyuko Ki..Hatake."



"Hey Sakura."

He nudged the girl with Cherry Blossom coloured hair and green eyes.

"Mumm?" She answered with a mouth full of Ramen.

"This is Kyuko Hatake, she's new to the village."

"Hi." She said once she gulped down her food "I'm Sakura Haruno."

"It's nice to meet you."

"Her last name is Hatake." Naruto hinted.

Sakuras face dropped into a stunned expression. Both her and Naruto  nodded at each other before before Sakura ran off. I lifted an eye brow.

"How do you know Kakashi sensei?" Naruto asked.

"What?" I asked with an emotionless face "Kakashi sensei, do you guys have some sort of relation?"

Hold up, Kakashi.....Sensei! not good

Kakashi's Pov
I was sitting in a sushi shop having a eating competition with Guy when Sakura came rushing in.

"Kakashi sensei!"

"What is it Sakura?"

"Kalashi sensei, there's a girl with the same last name as you."

"Hugh?" I lifted an eyebro

"My my Kakashi" Guy said "you've got an unknown relative.

"Well....she doesn't exactly have to be a relative, she could just have the same last name as me." I said.

"Well this girl with the same last name looks like you." Sakura said.

My eyes widened.

"Well Kakashi, I guess you need to check who this girl is." Guy said patting my back.

I sighed, left money on the counter and followed Sakura.

"For some odd reason I'm feeling nervous.

"Why Kakashi sensei?"

"The last person that was related to me was my father"

"But like you said Kakashi sensei, She might just have the same last name."

"But like you said Sakura, she looks like me."

"It might be a coincidence."

"I'm not sure Sakura."

As we approached Ichiraku Ramen Naruto turned around and came running to me.

"Kakashi sensei, her names Kyuko, she's 16, comes from the Hidden lock village and her mother's name is Hanare."

Hanare, where're have I heard that name

"Hey, Kyuko, come here!" Naruto said.

Kyuko's Pov:
I was eating a bowl of Ramen when Naruto called me over. I turned around and my heart jumped. There he was standing there. The father that I had never met. He had his headband covering his left eye, supposingly the sharingan.

Kakashi's Pov:
Kyuko stood up and walked towards us.
She had long silver hair in a high pony tail, bangs hair in her face with light brown eyes. She had a dark blue ninja outfit, in a similar design to Ino's, with grey ninja sandals that went up her calf's,

Kyuko's Pov:
I walked up to the group.

"So, I hear you have the same last name as me."

"Yes, my name is Kyuko Hatake."

"I am aware of that."

"Oh....right, There's no other way to tell you this but" I took a deep breath "I'm you daughter."

"What!" Naruto and Sakura said in unison.

Dads eyes were wide.

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