Chapter 14

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4139 words. Enjoy 😀

"I missed you mum."
I felt her stroke the back of my head.
"There's something I need to tell you, something I haven't told you before."
I pulled back a little.
"What is it?"
Mum took a breath.
"Your father hasn't been a complete stranger to me, I'd actually encountered him. The first was when we were kids, I'd gotten lost and he helped me out, after that was at the crescent moon and when you were about twelve or thirteen I was doing a mission as a street performer, I was captured by hidden leaf ninja, your dad happened to be there when I was being interrogated."
"Why haven't you told me any of this?"
"It wasn't the right time."
"What? There had to be a time for you to tell me this?"
"It just didn't feel right to mention it in the other conversations we've had."
I pulled herself away. I felt bad.
All this time I thought that Mum and dad were just to random strangers that happened to meet on the same night. They had actually met each other before and after? A smile formed on my face.
"Do you want to see him again?"
Mum blushed.
"Why do you ask?"
"Why can't I ask?"
Mum's blush grew redder.
"I'm not saying anything." Mum folded her arms.
"Well I pretty much know the answer."
Mum frowned.
"Your blush explains it."
"T-That doesn't count."
"A person can blush when they like some one." I teased "If only you had come to leaf with me, you would have seen him."
Mum remained silent.
"If you don't want to come then give me a letter saying you give permission for me to live with dad, or you could just come with me." I continued to tease. "But no, you'd rather stay here, in this village, where no one wants us."
"Have you had any luck?" Mum said.
"If your so interested in my love life, how's yours doing?"
My face went red.
"Your face has gone red Kyuko, who do you like?" Mum teased.
"Well come on, who is it?"
I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to remove the image of Kiba from my head, but, enough was enough, I had to let it out.
"His-name-is-Kiba-Inuzuka-and-if-you-wanna-meet-him-you-have-to-come-to-the-village!" I said in one breath.
I stood there, panting.
"Wow, all that energy just to confess who you like?"
I made a face at her that read, 'Are you kidding me.'
"But, sometimes the amount of energy depends on how much your in love."
"Mum, can we please get off this topic and focus on leaving the village, please!" I said.
"But did I say that I was leaving?"
My face dropped. Mum smiled.
"I got you didn't I? I've been thinking about what you've said and I think it's time we left for good."
A huge smile formed on my face. And I raced to my room.
"Don't pack everything, only bring what you can't replace."

Third person:
"Open up!"
Hanare and Kyuko both stepped into the hallway, looking at the door.
"I'm gonna knock this door down if someone doesn't open it!"
Hanare rushed to the door.
"Oh, Hisoka!" She said.
Hisoka was a tall, tanned man with white hair and red eyes. He'd had a crush on Hanare since they were kids, but when she got pregnant that all changed.
"What are Tetsumo and Satoshi doing here?"
Tetsumo and Satoshi were Hanare's 'comrades' and best friends with Hisoka.
"We're coming in." Hisoka said.
"No you're not."
"Oh come on Hanare, have you got something to hide?" Tetsumo asked.
"No I haven't it's just-"
Tetsumo pushed past her.
"Hey wait!"
Testumo rammed his fist into Hanare's stomach, leaving her to drop to the floor.
"My, my look what we have here."
"What is it?" Satoshi came into the house.
"Hello Kyuko, have you been to the leaf village lately? I saw you running in that direction.
Testumo walked closer towards Kyuko. Each time he did, Kyuko took a step back.
"You didn't go and cry off to your dad about the people in the lock?"
Kyuko's back hit the end of the hallway.
"Did you cry to your dad? Did you!"
Testumo slapped Kyuko across the face.
"Kyuko." Hanare whimpered, getting up. Satoshi came in and punched her in the face.
Kyuko attempted to weave around Tetsumo, earning a punch in the throat from him. Kyuko lay on the ground, holding her throat, struggling for a breath. Satoshi picked Hanare up by the throat and slammed her against the wall. Kyuko regained her breath and swung her legs across the floor and intercepted Tetsumos legs. He hit the ground with a thump. Kyuko ran towards Satoshi and plunged her fist into his face, leaving a blood mark on Kyuko's fist. Before she could do anything else, Testumo wrapped his arms around her from behind.
"You going to pay for that!" He growled in her ear.
"I don't think you should abuse them too much guys."
We all turned our heads toward Hisoka, who was just standing outside the door.
"I haven't even had my turn yet." He said, entering the house.
He approached Hanare, who was in the floor.
"Leave Hanare to me, do whatever the heck you want do to Kyuko."
Testumo and Satoshi chuckled wickedly and exited the house with Kyuko still trapped in Testumo's arms.

Kakashi's daughter!? Kiba love story!?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें