Topic Seven: The Unsafe.

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We all have this safe place we go to when things are not going the way we want them to, a place where we can rewind and look back, or restart and take things slow before starting again. It's a place where we can be ourselves, without the need to pretend or fake being something we're not. 

But sometimes this safe, place be it or a person can be a dangerous thing. It can be the thing that holds you back, the thing that keeps you from taking the risk that could change your life, the step that needs to be taken, when you abuse it letting it suck you in allowing you to build yourself a house so beautiful that you can never leave, a house so beautiful you almost forget what life was before it. 

Providing you with this feeling of being wrapped up in this blanket of comfort, and ease that can be a too appealing that you feel the need to just stay there, wrapped in the safety of this fake blanket you made for yourself rather than going out and facing the unknown, a place she liked to call THE UNSAFE. The place of uncertainty and doubt, the place where nothing goes as planned. 

But isn't it the nature of life? Isn't life made to be lived, experienced and felt? 

She had been going on and on in her head searching for what life could offer her, but she didn't know that life can't offer her anything if she is just stuck up there in a place of fantasy and fake peace unable to feel all that's going on around her. How is she going to live if she keeps surrounding herself with that fake concrete wall of fake certainty and happiness. The kind of place that filled her with ease yes, but it also filled her soul with emptiness, and wonder. 

It's never easy to get out of that shell of peace, but she has seen how different it can be, how strangely it can change people from ordinary, safe,  and seemingly content individuals to adventurous, unregretful, and strangely happier people who can actually utilize what life has to give, who knows the privilege of being alive. And she wanted to try that, she wanted to try and finally live for once. Live with no regrets over the road not taken, or the opportunity not ceased. 

In a  place so strange like a piece of Alice's wonderland, a place almost alive with all kinds of mazes and tunnels that leads nowhere and everywhere. A place where there are endless lifelines and endless possibilities, almost like a game of choice with every choice so strange and unfamiliar to her naïve self. 

So she took that one step, that one step out of her concrete house, the house she spent years building around herself, in a hope of being safe and happy. She took that one step into that tunnel of mazes, taking it one step at a time into that thrilling, dangerous road ahead of her ignoring the bustling war of uncertainty in her heart telling her to get back inside and ignore her weird cravings for adventure and life and just be here in her safe place. 

But she sure hopes with time, life can give her what she hoped for, that by time it can fulfil her needy heart with the beauty that is there to see and feel in the unsafe place that's life. 

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