Topic Nine: That little heart of mine.

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Have you ever stopped for a second and thought how? How did I change so drastically? My food preferences, my favourite color, the way I dress, the people I like. How did it change? when did this little heart change it's direction and jump all the way to the other lane?

She came across this picture of herself from a few years ago. It was taken on her birthday, the day she almost adores. She had on this weird pink color that she used to love so much she almost wore it every day, but now she couldn't see herself coming near it even if it was the last thing there is to wear, even though she always thought she was the prettiest gal on the block wearing it! And she couldn't help but wonder, how?

How did she end up hating what she once loved? How did her love change to hate? And how did her hate change to love?

It could have something to do with growth and adaptation! The fact that we encounter things as we grow, we mingle and communicate. We get to experience new things that our taste buds gets to witness things we never knew existed or we didn't know we would love if we tried.

She had come to a conclusive hypothesis that it's a mere matter of exposure the fact that as we grow older we get more exposure to the outside world, we get to know more that it affects our choices and believes, causing a drastic change of hearts.

A change that's not solely exclusive to things, but also includes humans and relationships.

We sometimes end up hating those we once loved or loving those we once hated. But it can be supported by the same hypothesis, exposure.

As we grow older we get exposed to more people, good, bad and all that's in between, that we are able to understand the human nature more clearly allowing us to see through a new lens that gives you a new insight, giving you a brand new vision of a person you thought have become a dull old news to you or a person you thought was a perfect human that was born without a flaw.

She has seen it before, the person she thought she uncovered, all the layers were out there in clear sunlight with nothing more to see. Only to realise later on that she wasn't seeing it all. She never uncovered all that dirt underneath the surface.
Maybe it was her way of looking that made her miss it, but she knew that as she grew and witnessed more in life she was able to know how to look deeper and more carefully, as to not oversee a beauty she would have wanted to see or keep living in an illusion she once created.

Life is full of layers that we uncover as we move through time, your family members, your friends, even the food you eat has a deeper taste you may have never quite experienced and the pet you keep may have a little more love to show you if you were to give it love another way.

That little heart of ours knows how to love and knows how to hate, it just needs a little intel from time to time, a guide to tell it where to go and what to do.

And as we grow older that intel grows and florish allowing us a broader vision that helps us guide those little hearts of ours into a hopefully more beautiful version of life, a version where those little hearts of ours are a tad bit happier and a tad bit lighter.

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