Topic Eleven: Fantasy and Reality.

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A little less than a month in a new county, a new environment and a new circle and a few random talks, she was faced, once again, with the idea of her being a wild daydreamer. Which is not something she wishes to deny, but she sometimes wishes to show people how engrossed she is in the reality she lives in, and how this reality sometimes forces her to shut down and swim back deeper into the ocean of her fantasies and dreams. 

Whenever she comes out to explore and face the reality of life she gets hit with a pathetic tragedy that makes her regret she ever came out of her bubble. But she knows she has to come out every once in a while to face her problems she forcefully pushes aside and escapes from. She knows that she has to deal with reality in order to grow and become what she dreams to be. She also knows that dreams can't stay hidden in that comfortable space in her head where she tucks them to sleep every night. 

She wants to face the reality and she does, but it's not always a pleasant experience she wishes to encounter on daily basis. It's simply that she sometimes would prefer to be in her hideout away from all the mess outside, safe in her bed with the magic and beauty that's in her head. The only place she feels safe and sound. 

But lately she has been finding a sweet balance of fantasy and reality. She has been discovering the idea of happiness in and out of her hideout. The idea of loving the reality she was given to the point of it becoming a wonderful part of the fantasy she has in mind. She is discovering how to merge her two wonderful lives into one, bearing in mind that no matter what she is writing on her book of life, there will be tragedy and pain, there will be unfortunate experiences that will push her to the edge and force her to lay low and tend to her dreamland instead, but she got to be comfortable facing them, she got to learn how to take a break when things are hard and enjoy her time in  her little bubble without feeling guilty about ignoring reality, and to figure out how to face her reality without the immense need to shut back into her dreamland. 

It's a bittersweet mix of dreams and reality that makes life go on and makes humans grow and flourish. No one that lives in reality and only reality, bearing no dreams can grow and flourish into a healthy person with a healthy amount of love to give and receive and there is no one that lives only in their dreams and fantasies was ever able to grow them into anything beyond fantasies and dreams. 

Dreams and fantasies can make a wonderful reality too, it just takes time to figure out how to implement them into the harshness of life and make it a wonderful little dream full of ups and downs, happiness and sadness and all that's in between. 

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