Fixing Spider-Man's Mythic

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-Currently Spider-Man's Mythic web-shooters can be found anywhere around the map where there are spider webs.

-Currently many bounties are very difficult to do because many people immediately go to the web-shooters and put them on, fleeing as far away from the bounty hunters as possible.

-To fix this, I believe Spider-Man should be an npc/boss like The (Rock) Foundation.

This new Spider-Man boss would:

-Use the web-shooters to dodge your attacks.

-Punch you when he can, dealing 20-35 damage (similar to a pickaxe swing)

-Have less health than a regular boss for it to be less annoying.

-Jam your weapon if he manages to cover your weapon in his webbing 3 times. Making it shoot slower each time he lands a shot. (The idea is that you can't stay still and just shoot him on the spot. You have to move around.)

-Once killed, he would drop his mythic web-shooters along with a certain amount of ammo. This ammo would depend on how much he used up during his fight with you, rewarding players who have managed to kill him quickly with more ammo to use and would make them use it sparingly.

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