Chapter 10

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Announcements: HAHA! I SAID I'D HAVE MORE THAN ONE UPDATE! Anyways, I'd love to hear ideas from you all of what to put in the story! Um... I ran out of things to say so I guess I'll be on with the story! Btw I'm going to try and update every day/every other day.

Third person, Tanjiro's POV

As the teen frantically searches the house, he bounces from room to room, trying to find his friend. "(Y/n)?! Where are you?!"  He looks around outside of the house, where she always runs. He jumps over logs, trips over roots in the ground, and grimaces as he steps into puddles and gets his feet wet. "Whatever, I need to find her!" 

He looks around the forest as fast as he can, not being able to find her anywhere. He starts to give up, thinking that she went back to wherever she came from, and he sighs heading back to his own home. As he reaches his home he sees the girl and an unfamiliar face.

"(Y/n)! I as so worried! Where have you been?!" She looks up at him and smiles, hugging the unfamiliar boy. "Look who I found Tanjiro! This is my best friend Ash! I found him in a nearby village!" Tanjiro looks at (Y/n) confused, not sure of what she said his name was. "Ash?" He says slowly, not sure of what it means. "What is that kind of name?" 

(Y/n) looks at him with a smile, calmly saying that it's a common name where she's from. "My name isn't that common, but yeah." Ash says, giving a shrug of his shoulders. "Woah what?! You can speak Japanese too?!" Ash nods his head. "Yeah, I learned after I came here from this old guy, him and his wife took me in to help me." 

Tanjiro looks at the both of them like either he or they are stupid, because he has no idea what the two of them are saying. "anyways, what're you looking so tired for?" The girl stares at him curiously, and he responds. "I couldn't find you, so I tried to come and look for you. Where in the world were you? I was so worried!"

(Y/n) smiles and hugs Tanjiro lightly, giving a small thank you. "Thank you for looking for me Tanjiro. That was very brave of you to go through in the early morning, it was probably really dark. You could've been hurt, or even killed!"

Tanjiro blushes slightly and gives a smile, holding her in his embrace lightly as well. "You're welcome (Y/n)." "Alright break it up you two lovebirds! And... Whoever you are." Takeo yells from the house quizzically. "Takeo, this is my best friend Ash! He lives in a nearby village."

"Ah I see! What is he going to be living here with us as well or something?" (Y/n) shakes her head as a no. "He has a place to stay, don't worry. And Tanjiro and I aren't in love! Right Tanji?" He looks at her confused. "Tanji?" "Just a nickname I'm giving you now." 

Tanjiro smiles at the nickname, his cheeks turning an ever so slight pink. Ash notices and smirks at the girl, who seems to be almost oblivious. She noticed something was wrong but didn't pay any attention to it. "Alright, well I should be getting back. The guys I live with will probably be worried if I'm out past dark."

(Y/n) gives him one last hug before he goes, and as he turns around to leave he stops, looking back a bit. "Oh, and Tanjiro? I know your secret. I'll keep it for you though." Tanjiro turns a deep red and nods, knowing that someone besides himself knows. 

(Y/n) and Tanjiro head inside for supper/dinner, (whichever you prefer) and say a quick prayer before eating. "Hey Tanji, what was Ash talking about before he left?" Tanjiro looks at her and rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "Oh, it's nothing (Y/n) don't worry about it."

Alright everyone, here's chapter 10! I hope you enjoy it! Next chapter will be a huge time skip, about a year or so be prepared for that! -Pyro :)

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