Episode 7 - Suspicious Situations

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~In the abyss...~

White Hole: So, you wan't me to be a portal and open up to the outside world?

Fries: Yes, is that a problem?

White Hole: I dunno, I don't think I have that ability...

Fries: Well you have to try! Or else we're stuck here forever!

Coiny: Fries, just give up, we've tried everything, we're not getting out of here-

Remote: ~pressing buttons~

Suddenly, a rip in the abyss opens, revealing a black abyss.

Discy: What's this?

~The eliminated contestants and debuters approach the rip.~

Trading Card: Oh...my...god.....

~In the outside world...~

Negative One: Alright, idiots, it's time for the elimination!

Snowball: ~stomps his foot down.~ Actually, it's not our elimination.

Negative One: ~narrows his eyes at Snowball~ Excuse me?

Snowball: I've had enough of being in this stupid show! It's been ruined ever since you came! I refuse to stand for any more of this! I'm leaving, and finding a new host!

~Everyone gasped~

Negative One: I forbid you from defecting! You join my show, you STAY IN IT!

Snowball: No...I WON'T!

Negative One: Yes...you...WILL!

~Snowball begins turning red.~

Snowball: I said....no...I......WON'T!!!

~Snowball lunges at Negative One and punches them into the wall, and they fall through the wall, breaking it.~

~Everyone stood there, not wanting to move.~

~Snowball was breathing heavily.~

Snowball: You guys know how I feel, right?! I-I can't be the only one! He had to go! And I am too! Are you all with me, or are you staying?

~Everyone looked at Snowball expressionless. Then, everyone started cheering.~

Snowball: ~through gritted teeth~ I THOUGHT SO! Now let's GO!

~Meanwhile, on COMP.~

TV: Got any 6s?

Backpack: GO OBJECT!!

Paint Bucket: ~throws down his cards in frustration~

~Floaters and Glory marched past them.~


Tree: Where is everybody going?

Lip Gloss: Let's find out.

~COMP follows the mob, while Backpack cleans up the game and puts it inside himself~

Backpack: Wait for me guys!

~Backpack runs to catch up.~

~1 hour later...~

~The Opacity Of One's cast marches through the city, in search of a new host and a new home. People look at them from their apartments.~

Salmon Fillet [Owned by FurretWalk]: ~looks out the window of the apartmment~ Is that a protest?

Pine Tree [Also Owned by FurretWalk]: I don't care, it's just a casual- Wait, is that my relative?

~Meanwhile, in another apartment.~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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