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Mikey pov
"How do we just go about our business like nothing happened? She should be with us."
"Mikey she should be but we can't force her to get back here if she doesn't want to. Besides, she's keeping us safe. Think about sam Carter Shara all of them. You really want them mixed up in this mess?"
"Little bro Donnie has a point we can't give her location up. As much as she annoys me and I hate to admit it she is doing the right thing. Shred head isn't exactly the easy goes it type."
"Wow, Raph agreeing with two people the worlds gonna explode. But doesn't it bug either one of you that she is looking into her past?"
"Donnie we can't stop her. I know we adopted her but we can't stop her from looking. I just hope she stays safe while doing it." Raph said crossing his arms
"Man, times like this I wish splinter we're here. He would have known what to do."
" Mikey we all wish that. I may have been a hot head, but man he would have loved the girls. Especially Taylor."
"Taylor would have spent a lot of time with him trying to hon in that anger of hers. I hope she stays safe." Donnie said as we entered the lair and received several nerf darts to the face
Taylor's pov
"Come on jones you mean to tell me if I played you would have let me win." I said as Cody handed me a plate and I looked over some files
"Maybe, also eat the information isn't going to go any where you know you."
"Yeah but I just found an interesting part that supposedly my great great great great grandfather was tied in with an under ground crime organization that sold black market deals through out the underbelly of Japan. Which lead to one of the greatest economic downfalls in history."
"Is this your way of telling me your secretly breed to lure unsuspecting victims into a trap then rob them blind as they struggle to understand why?" He said flirtatious as he moved the file away from my face "it can wait Taylor."
"Very funny Jones, but the sooner I find out why shred head is after me the sooner I can get home forget about everything."
"Right, forget about everything are you sure that's what you want."
"I just want to be with my family I miss them you get it don't you."
"Babe believe me I do but tay you have to understand that searching may lead you to something that you don't like, or worse lead you down a dark hole you can't get out of."
"Dark hole," I asked as I took a bite of food and instantly fell in love with it "oh my goodness you cook good."
"Thank you and yes a dark hole. I know I searched for why my parents died the way they did over and over. I thought if I could find out why then maybe I could prevent it from going any further. I loved them and it hurt me when they left, but what hurt more is chasing ghosts."
"So you think this is all for nothing?"
"No, I'm just saying that I don't want you to get lost in the chase and forget about the importance. Im all for you finding answers, but shred head will be shred head. If he wants you he will find a way I've seen the lengths that he goes to get his means. Shredder almost never loses. You saw what they did to you what they are capable of . You know that there is no escaping what is inevitable."
I nodded and gulped as the reality of his words sank in. He was right and I hated it. I hated it because it terrified me and I hated it because he knew me too well. I am not sure how, but he got it, he got me. I think that's what scared me most, because the reality was that shredder was coming and the person I love, but haven't known that long has revealed all my cards in one swoop.
"I have to try for them and for me." I said as a tear leaked down my face and Cody wiped it away

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