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Leo's pov
Alrighty so let me break the fourth wall here for a second and just clear somethings up. One, we never meant for things to get too out of hand. Two, master splinter had his reasons for what he did and that will be explained. Three, the finale point that I would love to make here is that nobody is perfect and if you think you are check your ego at the door.
All that aside, is Taylor technically shredders daughter yes and also no. You see lots of factors go into the whole supposed kidnapping of Taylor who is now grown and blossomed into a young women. It's a complicated puzzle in which so many parts went into it that it would make your head spin.
You know it's like an onion, peeling back the layers may seem fun, but eventually the layers get so deep that you can't figure out where it started.
Look I am not one that typically goes on rants like this, but the build up to this point you have to admit it was pretty interesting. Think of this little breaking section as a plays intermission and you know who doesn't like a little break right. Regardless back to the story.
Cody's pov
I sat waiting for someone to break the deadly silence. It was as if Raph decided that a bomb needed to detonate and hit the button with out care as to who would get caught in the cross fire. At the same time the room danced with different emotions sadness, pain, relief, and hesitation all fought for the spotlight on the different faces.
It was quite until a soft, light, voice broke it.
"Sam, Carter, and I have know for a while," it said as heads turned "we have know that this moment would one day come. Cody, what you may not know is that shredder is Taylor's father. We didn't mean to intentionally keep it from her but it was a sworn secret from our late master, splinter. We always thought that once he died we would get the opportunity to sit down and tell her everything. Tell her how we didn't take her but shredder made a deal with splinter. A deal that he has tried for many years to break. See he Willingly handed her over to protect her, of course we all thought that she would one day have to return to shredder and maybe that's why splinter kept it a secret. She knew us as family as her own. Until, she started noticing that we weren't the same and begged for questions to be answered. See Cody we knew that she would find out, but we also knew that shredder wanted her back."
"So you mean to tell me y'all kidnapped her and refused to return her." I said fire in my throat
"Cody, we tried to return her once or twice, but shredder had different priorities it was only with in the last couple of years that he wanted her back so badly. It was almost as if there was a secret agenda behind it."
"We think that shredder has been planing to manipulate Taylor into taking over the foot clan so he can work more diligently on taking over New York. He never actually cared about Taylor until now. So we kept her safe. We didn't know how to tell her that shredder was her father." Leo said and I calmed down a bit
As misguided and strange as the situation was it was completely understandable. They did what they had to do when they thought it was best. Nobody not even me could even fault them for that. Still, I couldn't imagine what Taylor felt as she waited for answers and got yelled at in the process. She just wanted to know who she was and now. Now she is captured, taken, yet again, but this time to where she originally belonged. It didn't seem fair or right.
"So what's the plan then?"
"Cody, the plan is to go kick shell and get her back. That's the plan. She will come with us even if I have to drag her home myself. She is a hamato through and through. She is one of us and I'll be darned if I'm gonna let some stupid shred head take that away!" Raph yelled with passion in his voice
"We are Raph so you coming with us Cody?" Asked Leo as I nodded and we made a game plan to go

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