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Cody's pov:
I woke up to a cold compress on my head and the sound of something cooking on stove. As I felt the throbbing and sharp pain radiate from my head to my toes.
"Didn't know you can cook looks like sides have flopped." I said expecting Taylor to answer me back
"Where is she?" an angry voice answered back
I then remembered in that moment what the shredder had done. He had taken her, said he would make her whole, but how is that possible. She tried to fight him, but was met with cruel defeat. My Taylor, who had been trying to say something. My Taylor, who wasn't really mine but still. I just hoped that she was okay now. She had to be.
"Who," I started startled a bit "why are y'all in my house who's cooking?"
"That would be chef Mikey, now your gonna tell me where she is or I'll beat it out of ya."
"Dad if I may before uncle Leo gets in on this, you won't accomplish anything by letting your anger get the best of you. Remember calm happy thoughts."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah Carter why don't you go find Sam and Shara while we talk."
"Sure thing."
"Raph, she has a point. Look Cody we aren't mad, well not that mad, but you were supposed to protect her."
"Look, Leo is it? I tried my best. She and I were against all of them." I said chocking back tears
Be strong Cody be strong. Don't let them see you cry. Be strong you can cry later. Be strong.
"Them what do you mean by them."
"Raph! Would you cool it?"
"Leo he was supposed to protect her. She was supposed to be safe."
"I tried my best you self centered hollow shell! I did my best you try having the shredder one v one while his b team goones double team you and then tell me you wouldn't have lost her too!" I snapped as hot tears ran down my face and I couldn't stop them
I lost her, not them this time, me. I was supposed to make sure that she never got caught. Now she is and I had let that happen. Now threw swollen eyes and a splitting headache I had open the flood gates of tears. They wouldn't stop as much as I tried they wouldn't stop.
"Raph don't." I heard Leo warn as I could feel Raph getting read to yell at me
"Wait, you mean to tell me shred head has tay." A voice that was quiet and broken said behind me snapping me from my tears as I got up to face it
"Yeah, but you know what Shara right? She will be okay because she has such a good fighting spirit."
"Thanks Cody but that doesn't help. Logically, I mean you know she kind of is driven by emotion."
"So shred head has tay and we have bacon." Said Mikey as he brought food out from the kitchen for everyone " Bon appétit, eat up dudes. Can't fix anything on an empty stomach."
"This is true." I said taking a big bite of food "so what's the game plan?"
"Kick shred heads butt, but you aren't coming with us." Raph said bitterness in his voice
"Come on you can't be that mad can you?"
"Fine, but if you mess anything up Jones I will make sure it's the last thing you do."
"Boys your both pretty, now can we move on." Carter popped off from a distance "I'm all for kicking shred heads butt as you put it dad, but don't we need to find him first? Also we haven't exactly fought him yet."
"Wait you mean y'all raised a bunch of nijia turtles and a human, and never fought shredder. The big metal guy, the guy that would take your throat out, the guy responsible for my lo...... close friend being taken you've never fought him."
"Our fathers are under the impression that shredder is too tough to handle, but maybe they are just scared that we would tell him all our secrets that seems to be a theme in this family. Tay probably jumped on the chance to leave with him." Carter spouted off which revived an eyebrow raise from Raph
"That's not true and where is this coming from young lady?"
"Raph, dad, where do you think? Tay was forced to stay top side because somebody decided that long ago we would keep hush hush about her past. Well, look where that has gotten us, no where, and not to mention the person that made that rule doesn't exist any more, and what now when she's been taken we have decided to tell her. You even yelled at her more than her fair share. So sorry but I'm not gonna stand here and be quite. We all feel this way in one form or another." She finished as Raph gripped his fist ready to punch something
"If I may uncle Raph, before you blow up, she does have a valid point, sam, Carter, and I all have the same feelings, but that's not the point. The point is Taylor has been captured by shredder, so I say we fight him."
Raph paused a moment before delicately removing his sai and chucking it at the wall with precision. He stared into the abyss fire dancing across his ice, cold, green eyes. He looked as though he wanted to light a match and watch the world burn. Rage played a delicate dance in his ballroom of emotions. One false step or out of tune note and the whole ballroom would explode.
He stayed this way for a good solid minute before he looked up locking eyes with his three nieces and then me.
"You wanna fight shred head then we all need to tell the full story." Raph said through gritted teeth as his brothers looked at him

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