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"Uncle donnie!" Yelled carter from the lab which confused me as to why he wasn't there
"Yes me sweet niece what ..... Shara stop your going to mutate someone!" He yelled at them as I heard carter snicker
"Dad that's not fair she started it." whined shara
"Oh grow up you big baby and uncle Donnie can you please stop calling me sweet you drive me bonkers when you do that." said carter sarcastically
"I will call you what ever I want I'm your uncle plus what's wrong with being sweet you are a girl after all." he said sassing her back
"Uncle Donnie it's not very tuff when you get called sweet all the time." said carter with what I knew was the eye role she always gave
"Your dad did teach you well alright I will try not to call you anything that's soft sounding okay, but in return you two need to stop being so flighty with each other especially you shara come on mutagen." uncle Donnie said and I blocked out the conversation from there
Believe it or not that's not the worst thing that goes on around here. No by far the worst thing is when it's late at night around midnight and you can hear the hushed voices talking about me
"You know why you can't tell her Mikey." whispered uncle Leo and then my dad
Would say that I should know.
This would go on for hours in circles then they finally realized I was listening intently and tell me to go to bed. the worst part is carter, sam, and shara all know about me the only person who doesn't know is me.
"Tay Tay can you come and play video games with me?"asked Sam outside my door
"Go play with your self punk." I said not wanting to come out after the morning I had with my dad and uncle raph
"But Tay no one can play like you please, please, please." sam begged out side my door
"No! Go away!" I yelled and she left as I sat there beating a pillow "ugggg now I'm being mean to Sam great she is going to go to uncle Raph and he's going to come here and chew me out!" I screamed in to my pillow as I heard a tapping on my door
" I'm coming in," said a frustrated uncle Raph closing the door behind him "so what do u have to say for your self." he said starting to raise his voice gosh he is the worst uncle ever
"The keys and my phone are on my night stand and my nunchucks are in the drawer along with my punching bag covers for my hands, and my ninja stars as well." I said knowing that's what he was going to take but if I had my choice I would take his mask and put it through the shredder then give him the ripped up bits. plus I would break his weapons then see how he liked having his identity ripped apart.
"Do you even know what you did child! Do you even know what or why it was wrong!" He yelled a bit
" I snuck out last night, got into a fight with the purple dragons, and almost totaled the shell raiser." I said looking at his eyes that were on fire
"And," he said with those eyes
"Look, uncle Raph you and I both know why I'm in trouble, you know I'm sorry because I've told you all morning. Not to even mention if I had stayed home I would be going on patrol tonight with you guys. so with all this being said here's my weapons, phone, keys and gloves now save your oh so important breath from yelling at me like you always do because I'm never leaving the sewer agin any ways." I said which he snapped at me for
"Oh don't play victim you knew exactually what you weren't suppose......" he stopped yelling and looked at the singal tear that ran down my face "you okay kid ?" he asked
"I'm fine." I said as he left with my things and I waited for him to be out of ear shot before tears streamed down my face as I bawled

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