Chapter 5

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I changed into jeans and white chiffon button up. I of course rolled up the sleeves and then put on some fuzzy socks.

I brushed my hair so it didn't look so done up. And then removed the make and put mascara and lip balm on.

I started to go back down stairs but stopped because I heard Andy talking.

"So Mave, tell me, is she stubborn?" He said.

I giggled softly to myself.

"Because I don't really like stubborn girls but I want her to have an opinion you know? But man is she beautiful." He said. I felt my heart melt.

"Mave, I think I'm gonna be around here a while... hopefully for a long time." Andy said. I saw him wander in front of the mantle and look at all the photos.

I watched as Andy bent down and started to pet Maverick.

"I'm kinda falling for your girl and I know she was yours first... you think you could share her with me?" Andy asked. Mave barked in agreement and Andy cracked up laughing.

"I'm glad we are on the same page bud." Andy laughed.

"Am I interrupting bonding time?" I said as I came down the stairs.

Andy stood up and smiled at me and I felt little butterflies in my stomach.

"Not at all dear- I mean Emily! Sorry..." Andy said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I love pet names... even if we only met not too long ago." I laughed.

"I know and I've been trying not to go too fast but I really like you and you just feel different to me." Andy said.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one." I smiled.

"So! How about pizza? I know neither of us have eaten yet." I said smiling and making my way to the kitchen.

"Pizza sounds great! I can order it if-" I cut him off.

"Oh no no Andy I make it myself!" I said while grabbing the recipe.

"Emily that's a lot of work to make and pizza and it's no problem really!" He said while leaning on the counter.

"How about... I make the pizza and you can pick the movie?" I said with a smile.

Andy smiled and winked. And with that wink my heart skipped a beat

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