Chapter 9

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Andy's POV

She lead me upstairs to her room. My heart was pounding. I'd never been that bold with a girl in my life.

She opened the door and I was hit with the smell of lavender.  So fitting for a girl like Emily.

"So, I'm sure I have some pajamas that will fit you." She smiled as she began looking in drawers.

She pulled out a set of sweatpants and a white tshirt.

"Will this work?" She asked softly. I could tell she was nervous and scared they would be too big.

"They are absolutely perfect." I said, grabbing them and then kissing her forehead.

She smiled wide and I could see that that simple action calmed her.

"The bathroom is right in through that door." She said softly.

I winked at her and then went into the bathroom.

I started changing my clothes, and yeah, the pants were a little big. But I pulled the drawstring and tied it in a way that made it look like they fit perfect. The shirt was a little loose, but then again, tight pajamas is an awful feeling.

I ran my hands in my hair a few times in attempts to get knots out. I was just about to open the door when I heard her start to talk to herself.

"It's okay... he said it doesn't bother him! Just, put on like oversized pajamas? But then you don't want to look like a hobo." She said. I heard drawers opening and closing.

I wanted to go in and tell her that she was beautiful. But then again, with how guys treat her... I'm not surprised that she's anxious.

"How about a button up and shorties?? Maybe that would work??" She said.

I waited until I heard her call my name.

"Andy? Finding everything okay?" I heard her timid voice from the other side of the door.

I opened the door and immediately pulled her to me tightly.

"Everything I need is right here. Ooh, this shirt is so soft. I don't think I'll let you go." I said smirking. Trying my best to make her feel comfortable.

"Really? I didn't know what to wear." She confessed. I rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head.

"I know... but you look beautiful to me no matter what." I said in her ear.

She hugged me tighter. I knew that was something she needed to hear.

"So, sides of the bed-" she started.

She stood by the right side and pointed.

"This, this is my side." She said laughing. I smiled at her and was just completely in awe.

I watched as she rambled on about how the other nightstand was mine and it had a drawer and something about sheets.

I wasn't paying attention to a word she was saying, which I know I'll regret later on.

I was just, looking at her. The button up shirt made her look so soft and cute, and with those little shorts...

Her hair was kind of wild and looked so soft. And her cute little cheeks would get more red as she talked.

I didn't notice she was kneeling on the bed in front of me until her big hazel eyes blinked, causing her long lashes to flutter.

"Anny?" She said softly. I shook my head a bit to bring myself back.

"Yes baby?" I asked, placing my hands on her cheeks and running my thumbs on them.

"You weren't listening were you?" She asked me smiling.

"Not in the least... I was a little distracted." I said honestly.

"Oh? What's up?" She asked. She didn't move an inch, but let her head relax a bit in my hands.

"I was just distracted by you... you are so beautiful and absolutely adorable sometimes I can't help but just watch." I said.

Her cheeks started getting warmer and her smile bigger.

"That's a little creepy just watching..." she whispered.

"Well in those little shorts..." I smirked.

She shook her head a little and rolled her eyes.

"Crazy boy..." she whispered and then crawled back.

"In short, right side my side. Left side your side. It's closer to the door." She said, squirting lotion on her hands.

"What? Easier to give me the boot?" I teased as I pulled the covers back.

"No! It's closer in case of an intruder. So you can like, I don't know fight them?" She said laughing to herself.

"And I suppose I'm the fighter huh?" I asked as I got in bed.

She laughed a bit and got in bed too.

"So, tell me... what's your biggest fantasy?" She asked me softly.

We were facing each other, talking softly. She held one of my hands, playing with it softly.

"Well... this moment has to be at the top of the list." I said.

She blushed and pulled the covers up and over her nose. All I could see were those beautiful eyes.

"Isn't it wild that we met today?" She asked.

"I know... but it just feels normal."

"Almost as if you've been waiting all your life for it."

"For a girl with tie dye shoes to smile at you."

"For a boy who doesn't button his shirt." She giggled.

I pulled her close to me. She nuzzles her head under my chin and intertwined our legs.


"Yes Emily?"

"What do we tell people?"

"Well, what do you mean exactly?"

"Andy, people are gonna talk. Or question, openly, why you are with me."

"If they do I'll tell the truth."

"But... andy, I think maybe we should stay quiet about this."

"Really?" I asked, a little shocked.

"Well, we did just meet today. And yes for us it feels right and comfortable. But are we comfortable enough to the point where we showcase it?"

"I see what you mean... maybe, for a few weeks we act as just friends you know?"

"Yeah... and then maybe at some point we just act like we are together?"

"Exactly... in private, we don't have to act." I said, kissing the top of her head.

She snuggled as close as she could to me. I could tell she was thinking.

I went to say something, but her soft little snores. She was asleep on me.

I'm worried about it. What if another girl tries to get on with me? Flirts with me out loud in front of her? That would hurt her and I don't want that...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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