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Tommy groaned when he woke up. He was back in this stupid house.

He fluffed up his hair, stretched, and walked down the stairs. He gave a small greeting to the rest of his family as he plopped down into his chair and began eating a bland bowl of cereal.

"Me and your brothers are going to the grocery store today. Interested?" Phil asked.

"No, not really." Tommy responded.

"Suit yourself. Before you do anything though, make sure to bring the mail to the guy upstairs. Mailman delivered it wrong."

"Alright." Tommy said, drinking the last of the milk from his cereal and dropping it into the sink, walking off to get dressed.

On his way to his room, he gave a side glance to the door. He assumed it was better to do his chore first.

He got dressed and took the mail from Wilbur before he watched his family drive away.

He inspected the name on the letters. Quackity. Peculiar name. He aimlessly walked around the house before he found a set of stairs leading up to the flat above his own. He climbed up them and hesitantly knocked on the door.

It swung open on its creaky hinges. Seemingly, the door handle didn't work.


Tommy jumped backward, startled away from the door. A hand reached put from behind Tommy and pulled the door closed.

"Didn't know that my new neighbor was so nosy."

Tommy spun around to see who was talking to him. He was greeted by a lanky guy. He was wearing a large Hawaiin shirt over a white t-shirt and jeans that seemed a little worse for the wear. His hair was tucked in a beanie, small strands sticking out of the bottom. His look was full of scorn as he looked at Tommy.

"I couldn't be more sorry sir, I just wanted to return this mail. It got delivered to us." Tommy offered the envelopes to the lanky man.

Tommy assumed that he was named Quackity.

Quackity snatched it from Tommy and opened it. He smiled, his eyes going wide.

"Ah yes. You are forgiven." Quakcity said, ruffling through the package. "Duck food!"

"Duck food?" Tommy was puzzled.

"Yes! I keep ducks." Quackity seemed to be done elaborating.

"Well...okay...need to get going now..."

Tommy walked down the stairs.

About 30 seconds later, as he turned to corner, Quackity was there.

"Ffuu-" Tommy stopped himself from swearing, placing his hand over his heart

"I was just talking with the Ducks. They called you Tommy. They also said to not go through the door again."

"What?" Tommy held a puzzled expression on his face.

"I don't know. Just reciting back what they said." Quackity said, walking back up the stairs to his apartment.

Tommy got tangled up in his thought as he made his way back inside his house.

Don't go through the door again?

He really couldn't find a reason not to.

He made his way back to the room with the door.

It seemed to taunt him. Teasing him to come inside.

Well...no one was home...

Tommy crossed the room and hesitantly opened the door.

It swung open and he was again greeted by the bluish purple tunnel.

He smirked and crawled through the tunnel.

-564 words-

A/N if you feel so inclined, leave comment. I love reading them :]

Hope you've enjoyed

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