CHAPTER 9: Battle of 8/3 - Reinspire and Re-engage

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A/N: Welcome to the first half of the Toman vs. Moebius Arc, everyone! One of my top must-write TokRev arcs ever, which also happens to be my longest chapter yet with a whoppin' 12k words!  (ノ ื▿ ื)ノ✧*̥˚ 

So ya'll better get comfy now. Grab a snack, drink some water, but before you dive right to it here're the very important tidbits to keep in mind:

Jinbei – a traditional set of Japanese clothing usually worn during the summer, which consists of a side-tying kimono-style top and a matching pair of shorts or trousers.

Teppanyaki – a traditional and rather entertaining Japanese style of cooking that uses an iron griddle to make dishes, most commonly done in front of a guest.

※ Also Hello Kitty = Jello Kitty up in this house after I saw how Wakui-sensei used Yakult = Yagulto in Episode 23 (specifically at 05:20), and I agree that we really gotta be careful with all this trademark business 'cause just like Wakui-sensei, I ain't got no plans of getting sued lol.

※ Lastly, one of my lovely readers from named Albedo, pointed out that we need an interlude between Naoto and Takemichi in regards to how our crybaby hero got to know about Reiya and this is SO TRUE. I have an inkling they weren't the only ones wondering about that so I will address it right here as well. The answer is YES, ya'll. That aspect WILL be tackled and we WILL explore Naoto and Takemichi's side of the story to see just how much Reiya's existence affected the future of Toman and what they think about it, how it made them feel...To see a singular existence cause such a strong wave of change not only in the life of one man, but the course of a whole new fate. And this we shall see at the conclusion of this arc 😉


〖 Chapter Nine 〗

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Chapter Nine

Battle of 8/3:

Reinspire and Re-engage


AUGUST 01, 2005


Reiya couldn't stop from cringing the moment she drew Viomaru's bow off its strings. It was horrible. She had just completed performing her chosen piece, The Swan by Camille Saint-Saëns, and it was horrible.

Umeno, who served as both her pianist and overseer, didn't say anything yet to confirm it was, but one look at her face and Reiya knew it was horrible.

It was nowhere near how she first performed it. Reiya had started out strong and she'd nearly perfected her rendition just last week. She was doing great for someone who hadn't played in twelve years and had about only three weeks of practice. Toshiro was confident she'd fare well in spite of the non-competitive nature of the piece she'd chosen, and Umeno had been moved to tears. Even Kuroshima favorably commented on how consistent she had been.

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