CHAPTER 12: Entr'acte Symposia (PART I)

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A/N: Welcome to the promised interlude mes chers lecteurs! 💖 (was that right? I'm currently learning French and I just wanna flex for a min (≧▽≦))

So I wasn't actually planning on posting this mini intermission arc as two halves but I've already written around 9k worth of words on Taito's side of the story alone, and I really think it's so much better story-wise if I separate his and Takemichi's POV because I think this chapter is way too much already, so here we are. The next chapter's probably going to be shorter than this but eh, I just wanna update this story as much as I can, whenever I can. I rolled with a lot of headcanons concerning the first-future Toman here too, such as the hideout and who may have stayed to be one of Mikey's closest aides, and I would love to know what you guys think.

A quick caution though: this chapter is packed with graphic violence and I mean very graphic, very violent graphic violence, but nothing too out of place in the TR universe. It is also a very sad, sad time to be a Hanma stan (assuming a Hanma stan is even reading this fic sksks). I am so sorry. I feel like shit for doing this to him to the point I'd let him have his way with me if he were irl, but some of ya'll have been asking to see Mikey's reaction to Reiya's death/assault by Hanma's hands, and, well...I only delivered 😭😭😭😭 keep in mind this is my first time writing someone exhibiting yandere(?) behaviors so I'm not very confident in it, but it sure was a great opportunity to practice! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Also, in which I reveal that I actually really fucking love guns and Tekken. The shitabaki Mikey wears in here looks exactly like Jin Kazama's in Tekken 5, except the flame design is shorter on one pant leg unlike Jin's where it reaches up to his hip. Jin is my daddy and 'tis my way of paying homage (シ_ _)シ

Can't Help Falling in Love (dark version) by Tommee Profitt feat. Brooke really sets the energy I envisioned for this chapter and I would really really like for you guys to listen to it for a bit. You can listen to it right here with the video I provided above or better yet, you can find it on CJ's Official Playlist on Spotify with the link ready in the soundtrack chapter 💓💓💓

For this chappie's tidbits:

Entr'acte — a French term that directly translates to "between the acts", meaning a pause that transitions the mood from one part of a large-scale performance to the next by completing the missing links.

Shitabaki — traditional trousers worn for martial arts practice as part of a set called a Keikogi.

Tbh I'm not very proud of this chapter, but let's just think of it as getting from point B to point C.


〖 Chapter Twelve 〗

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Chapter Twelve

Entr'acte Symposia

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