There is something about us

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 2

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

Last time Kelly invited me to the mall to hang out but when she dropped me off at my house she kissed me unexpectedly. Because I didn't want to come out to her I rejected her advances and slapped her. But being Kelly she took things way too far. She has begged me to forgive her and I have but it's still there in the back of my mind. Why would she do that?? but I have put it in the past because I know she cares for me and I care for her. Dare I even say it but I think I'm in love with her but I don't want to say it and scare her away. Today is Friday August 20, 1982 I'm outside in the courtyard by myself I see this older girl named Dakota Cooper walking up the sidewalk by the school. Dakota is a mixed girl she is a junior this year we don't know each other but we've spoken a few times. She is 5'5" and weights about 130 lbs. she has a triangle body shape. My body shape is an hourglass-athletic like Kelly and Jane's. Dakota sees me and smiles walking up to me. She looks down at me and said " Hey how have you been?" I said " Okay you?" She said " Good as I can be". I spot Kelly out the corner of my eye she is standing in front of the stairs that lead up to the back parking lot where the gym is. Dakota notices me staring off She said " You okay?" I look up at her and said " Yeah sorry I thought I saw something". Dakota said " Anyways it was great talking to Kim". She smiles friendly and walks pass me down to the doors that lead onto the second floor. Kelly walks up and I look at her she seems annoyed she has her arms crossed as She said " Why were you talking to Dakota Cooper?" I become annoyed and said " Because she's nice unlike some people". Kelly scoffs then said " It's not like you have a chance with her anyways she's straight". I shot back " And it's not like you have a chance with Jane either". Kelly gives me a look and I said " I know you like her too I'm not blind Kelly I see the way you look at her and Jane has told me you've said things to her in the past". Kelly smirks then said " Cocky little bitch aren't you?" She is close to me our noses inches away. She said quietly " I'd watch that tone with me if I were you". I roll my eyes and start walking away from her. She said " Don't walk away from me Kim". I ignore her and keep walking. I walk in the front lobby with her walking beside me I walk up to my locker and open it. Pulling out a binder she is standing beside me giving me a look as I close it. She grabs my hand and said " Come to the bathroom with me". She walks me down to the bathroom and opens the door pushing me inside. I walk in and stand in front of the wall I sit my binder down on the last sink. She walks over standing in front of me closely. I said " I don't know why you are mad I didn't do anything". Kelly said " Maybe I don't like you talking to other girls". I said " Are you serious?" Kelly said " Jane is the only girl you can talk to and that's it I don't want see you with Dakota Cooper again got it?" She points at me angrily. I can't believe she's acting like this. I said " You aren't the boss of me Kelly and you don't own me". Kelly backhands me across the face making my head turn I watch as blood drops to the floor I look up at her and I fling my arm at her and send her flying into the brick wall on the other side of the bathroom. She hits the wall and drops to the floor on her side. I said " How dare you put your hands on me".... Kelly gets up from the tile floor and walks up to me. She holds her hand up and closes it I feel my throat being squeezed she is using her telekinesis to choke me. I have my back to the wall as she continues to choke me. She said as she stood in front of me " Don't fuck with me Kim... you know your powers have no chance against mine..." I choke out " Kelly"... She releases me and I gasp as I catch my breath. I start crying she puts her hands on my face and I try to look away but she forces me to look at her. Kelly said with her forehead against mine " And I do own you... you are mine... nobody else do I make myself clear??" I shake my head yes. She kisses my cheek then takes her hand wiping the blood off my lip. She runs her fingers through my hair and I flinch at her touch. She said as she looked at me " You are so beautiful"... She walks over to the sink and pulls a paper towel from the dispenser she turns the water on and wets the paper towel. She walks over and puts it on my lip I feel the warm water on my skin. She said " Now fix your face.. and if anyone ask you fell. got it??" I shake my head. We walk out of the bathroom and to our classes I had threw the paper towel away when I walked into my homeroom. My homeroom teacher Mrs. Fremont asked me what happened I told her I slipped and fell in the bathroom busting my lip on the ground. She asks if I needed to go to the nurse and I told her no that I was fine. Later on that day school was over at 4:00 pm. I walk out of the hallway with Kelly and Jane. We hear crying and look over at Jason sitting in the floor in front of the office. Jane said " Jason?" He looks up at us and gets up taking off walking down the stairs that lead to the second floor. Kyle walks out of the hallway and sees us. He said " What's wrong?" Jane said " Something is wrong with Jason he was crying". Kyle gets this worried look in his eyes. He said " Follow me". We walk out the lobby doors and Jason has already made it around and is walking up the stairs leading to the parking lot. We walk across the courtyard and up the stairs where we find him standing in front of the gym. He is wearing his black leather jacket, a dark grey Journey departure 1980 t-shirt, a pair of light blue denim jeans and his black Dr. Marten's. Kyle is wearing a black Nike shirt, a pair of dark blue carpenter jeans and a his black Nike Cortez's, Jane is wearing a long sleeve MTV 1981 shirt with black sleeves the front is white with the logo then the back is white, a pair of dark blue jeans that are high waisted and her white Nike Air Force ones, I'm wearing dark blue denim jacket, a grey Aerosmith t-shirt from their 1982 concert that was a few months ago, a pair of dark blue high-waisted jeans and my grey New balance, Kelly is wearing her dark blue denim jacket, a grey AC DC shirt back in black shirt in black writing, a pair of light blue high waisted blue jeans and her white and blue Adidas top ten. Jason has walked into the woods beside the parking lot and we followed him. Kyle said " Jason man what's the matter?" He looks up at us and said " The office called me up and my dad was on the phone he told me that my mom only has five months left to live"... Jane and I exclaim quietly. Jane said " Jason... I didn't know"... He said " I don't like to talk about it but she was diagnosed with Brain Cancer in 1977 when I was nine".. Kyle said " Are they sure it can't be cured??" Jason shakes his head yes and Jane pulls him into a hug he lays his head on her shoulder. I look at Kelly who has been unusually quiet. Kyle looks at her and said " Babe??" She is pulled out of her trance and She said to Jason " I know how you feel".. We all look at her and She said " You guys have always asked me where my mom is right?? I'd always say she left me and my dad... but the truth is she died of lung cancer when I was five years old they couldn't cure her either.. that's why I don't trust doctors because they are stupid all they want is the money".. Jason said " Not all of them but yeah you are half right". We walk out to the parking lot and stand in front of Kelly's Trans Am. There are still several students hanging out at their cars some smoking cigarettes'. I see a group of four boys about sixteen they are parked in a space with an empty between their car and Kelly's. They are dressed like Greasers like Jason dresses sometimes but it's a style they are actual greasers which means they are trouble. Their car is a 1982 dark blue Chevy truck that is lifted off the ground. A boy with dark brown hair slicked back whistles at us. We all look back at him and He said to Kelly " I bet I could smoke your car". Kelly scoffs " You wish loser". The boys say Ooooo together and they walk up and he stands in front of Kelly as she is turned around facing him. He is 5'10" and weights about 160 lbs. He said " Wanna bet rich bitch?" Kelly said " Sure you're the one that's gonna lose". He said " We'll see.. if I win you have to go out with me". Kyle said " In dreams asshole". Kelly puts her hand on Kyle's chest and said " Come on put your money where your mouth is". He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a twenty dollar bill. Kelly reaches in her pocket and pulls out a twenty she hands the money to Kyle and the five of us get in Kelly's car. Kelly and Kyle are up front and I'm in the back seat in between Jason and Jane. My mom at work again until late and my dad was suppose to be home Wednesday but something happened got delayed where he was suppose to pick up a load so it sat him back. Kelly follows the boys to an empty lot that has a big sign that says opening on this site in the fall 1984 East Town Mall. This so illegal but I made the choice to go with them. Kyle said " Babe are sure want to do this??" Kelly looks at him and said " You worry too much just chill. I'm gonna smoke this prick then we are ditching". Jane said " What if we get caught?" Kelly looks in the rear view mirror at Jane and me her ocean blue eyes shining as the light hits them. She said " Come on Jane live a little right Kim?" Jane looks at me and I don't say anything Jane notices my lip. She said " What happened to your lip?" Kelly looks up in the mirror at me and I said to Jane " I slipped in the bathroom and fell this morning". Kelly parks the car in the middle of the lot beside the truck. We all get out except for Kelly who casually puts on a pair black Ray Ban sunglasses the kind that Michael Jackson wears. Kyle is leaned over at the window. He said " Be careful Kelly". She smiles at him and he kisses her and she kisses him back. I can't help but feel jealous of him kissing her because I love her and I think she loves me I hope. The boy who challenged her is in the truck. He leans his head out and said " Come on toots! I ain't got all day!" Kelly revs the engine and it roars blasting everyone's ears in the parking lot. He revs his up it's not nearly as loud as Kelly's. One of the other boys stands in front their cars and counts down until he gets to one when he says " GO!!" Kelly puts the car in drive and it takes off the truck squeals it's tires following beside until Kelly shifts the car picking up speed she turns the car drifting clean around a light pole attached to the ground. The boy tries to do the same but he turns way too soon and the truck slams into the light pole the sound of the driver window shattering rings in our ears. Me, Kyle, Jason and Jane are cheering for Kelly as she does a donut in the parking lot burning the tires making a black circle on the pavement. Kelly pulls over to us and turns off her car. She gets out putting the sunglasses in her head and we all run over to her in excitement. Kyle picks Kelly up and she squeals in excitement she kisses him as he has her off the ground. He puts her down and Jason gives her a high five then Jane gives her one. She looks at me and winks I smile at her as I high five her. She stares down at me and I look her god... she is so beautiful... We hear the sounds of cussing approaching. Kelly turns around with us standing behind her. The boy walks up with blood running down from his temple. He said " I want a rematch!!" Kelly said " You're just mad because you lost". He said " You cheated!!" Kelly said " No you suck at racing obviously". He grabs her arm and said " I'm still gonna get that date sweetheart". Kelly shoves him off and Kyle gets in his face. He said " Keep your damn hands off my woman asshole!" The boy said " She's out your league little man!" Kelly gets between them as Jason shoves the guy back. Jane said " Come on guys let's get the hell out of here". Right as we start walking away I see the boy smack Kelly on the ass. She grabs his arm and jerks him over her back where he smacks the pavement. The other three begin throwing punches at Kyle and Jason. They dodge them and start throwing punches back. Jason nails one in the nose while Kyle hits one in the jaw. Meanwhile Kelly is beating the piss out of that one boy. She is on top of him punching him over and over until he kicks her off. She hits the ground rolling on her sides he goes to kick her while she's down and she gets up on one knee catching his leg. She stands up and flips him backwards where he lays on the pavement on his stomach groaning in pain from hitting his ribs. He jumps up and throws a kick that she blocks. He growls in anger and punches her in the stomach she exclaims in pain bend over. Kyle and Jason are too busy fighting the other three. So Jane and I jump in we run up and kick the back of his legs making him fold hitting the ground on his back. He gets up and turns around charging at us. Kelly screams in a battle cry jumping on his back with her arms around his neck putting him in a choke hold. He chokes and falls to his knees with Kelly squeezing his neck. Jane shoves Kelly off because she wasn't letting go. She said " We're not trying to kill him now". He gasps as he is on his knees catching his breath. Kelly brings her knee up and hits him in the face blood flies out as she breaks his nose. He hits the ground knocked out. We look back and the other three boys are on the ground knocked out. Kyle has a busted lip and Jason has a cut on his cheek that disappears. Kelly's nose was bleeding and the blood disappears. Kyle sees this and is freaked He said " Whoa how did you guys heal so fast?!" We all look at each other looks like we got some explaining to do. But the sounds of sirens near by catch our attention. We all run and get in Kelly's car as she starts it up taking off she is going for the side entrance when a cop car is about to pull in. Kyle said " Oh shit!" Kelly turns the wheel making the car slide as we hold on in the back seat. She floors it across the parking lot with the cop car chasing us. Jason said " Kelly stop the car!" Jane said " Kelly this isn't funny!" Kelly said " Shut up!! I can't go to juvie again my dad will kick my ass!" She pulls on a dirt road that picks up dirt as she flies across the dirt. There is nothing but a huge dirt ramp we all see it and Kyle said in frantic tone " Don't you dare!! Kelly don't!!!" She zooms across the dirt ramp launching high into the air as the four of us scream. Kyle yelled " Kelly!!!!!" Kelly shouts in excitement as we fly through the air. Soon the car lands hard and she turns down a cement tunnel that is under a bridge. She pulls in under the bridge hiding out of sight. It's dark in here all you can see is the light outside the tunnel she had enough room to turn around and face the light. She turns the car off and the four of us exclaim in relief. Kelly giggles and we all look at each other and bust out laughing because we ran from the cops. Kelly said " You guys were so scared! I thought you were gonna piss yourselves". she said while laughing. Kyle said " I almost shit myself is what happened". we all bust out laughing but abruptly stop when we see a shadow outside the tunnel it's a heavy set male cop. Me, Jason and Jane duck down in the backseat as Kelly grabs Kyle and pulls him over with his head in her lap as she ducks down in the seat. Kelly said quietly " Shhh... be vewy vewy quiet... he's hunting donuts"... In an Elmer Fudd voice. She takes her hand over Kyle's head and pretends to be jerking off. The sound of a zipper unzipping catches our attention. Kelly looks down and said quietly " Well hello". We are all still covering our mouths laughing. Jane said quietly " Kyle this isn't the time to give Kelly head".. as she snickered quietly. we all cover our mouths snickering quietly. The cop is still walking around the outside of the tunnel looking around. I see Kelly grip the steering wheel as she looks down at Kyle. I look up in the rear view mirror and spot his hand down her pants but Jason and Jane are unaware of what he's doing Kelly looks up at me in the rear view mirror and smiles. He pulls his hand out but keeps his head in her lap because we are still ducked down. Kelly looks at the cop still looking around scratching his head. Kelly whispers " Come on porkers scram"... he finally leaves walking up a trail of dirt near the dirt ramp we listen and the sound an engine comes on and the car leaving. We all sigh in relief and she drives to Kyle's house. Where his mom and dad are home we walk in and His dad said " Kyle you're late". He said " Yeah dad I'm sorry these four guys were messing with us and one of them grabbed Kelly on the butt". His dad said " By the looks of your lip looks like you handle it". He looks at us then said to his dad " Yeah". His dad said " Did you finish it?" Kyle said " Yeah". His mom said " Where did it happen?" Kyle lied " The park". His dad said " Well I'm proud of you son taking up for any woman when she's being disrespected is the right thing to do". While we were standing there I see Kelly's zipper is still down I clear my throat looking down at her pants she looks down and quickly pulls it up. We all head back to Kyle's room while Jason and Jane call their parents letting them know they are at Kyle's house. I'm sitting in a chair beside the closet and Kyle pulls Kelly on the bed with him. He lays beside her propped up on his elbow as they look at each other. Kyle said to Kelly " I'm very impressed at how you handled yourself back there". She smiles at him and He said " That was so sexy". He winks at her. I agree with him she looked so sexy racing, fighting and running away from the cops. Jason and Jane walk back in and Jason closes the door. Kyle said " So tell me how the hell did you guys do that?" Kelly gets up and stands by the bed. She looks at us then back at Kyle. She said " Kyle I'm a... witch".. A witch?? a witch that can heal herself?? Kyle laughs then said " No really what is it?" Kelly said " No.. really I am.. watch this". She spots a small foam basketball on the floor she flings her arm at it and it flies into the hoop. Kyle is so stunned as we gets up from the bed. He said " Whoa... what was that??" Kelly said " My power of telekinesis". She picks up a letter opener and Kyle said " What are you gonna do with that??" She stabs herself in the leg and Kyle exclaims quietly. Blood begins to fill her blue jeans on that leg. She jerks it out wincing at the pain but the wound quickly disappears along with the blood leaving a hole in her jeans. Kyle is so impressed He said " Holy shit... are you like Wolverine or something?" She said " Sort of". Jason said to Kyle " Now please don't be afraid of me". Kyle said " Why??" Jason's face transforms into a vampire his sharp fangs poke out and you can see the muscles in his neck his eyes are bright red. We are all stunned at this. Kyle said " Dude my bestfriend is a vampire and my girlfriend is witch". He said that in excitement. Kelly said " You're not scared are you??" He said " No not all.. shocked but not scared". Jane points to an empty coke bottle and said " See that bottle?" Kyle shakes his head. Jane holds her hand up and a purple beam of energy comes from her hand and melts the bottle down. Kyle said " That is so cool". Jane said " I'm a witch too but I can't heal myself". He looks at me and I start teleporting with blue energy swirling around me. I appear behind him and said " Behind you". Kyle turns around and said " Whoa teleportation that's awesome who needs a car". Kelly said " I can also teleport". Flames start swirling on her body and she disappears then reappears standing in the same place. She said " I teleport by the use of fire and I can control fire". Jane starts teleporting with purple energy then Jason with red energy they reappear in the same spot. I said " I'm also a witch with different types of telekinetic abilities". Kyle said " Do any of you have super strength?" Jason is standing beside Kyle's weight bench set Jane walks over and stands with me as Jason lifts the set with one hand and those take at least three people to move. Kyle said " Dang man there is no way I could pick that up". Kelly said " I have super strength too". She lifts Kyle off the ground in a firemen's carry and he exclaims in surprise as he holds onto her. He said " I don't know how I feel about my girlfriend being able to carry me". She sits him down and he smiles at her. Jane said " You have to promise to never tell anyone about us Kyle". He said " I promise.. people could take it wrong". Jason said " It could be disastrous". Afterwards Kelly drove Jason and Jane home then took me to my house where she walked inside with me. She closes the door and we walk up stairs to my room I open the door and we walk inside sitting down on the bed. Kelly said " So you are probably thinking this bitch is insane right?" I agreed " Oh yeah totally". She smirks at me then puts her hand on my knee. Then She said " I'm sorry about this morning in the bathroom". I look down then look back up at her. She said " I just lose my temper sometimes and do things and say things I shouldn't but I want you to know that I care for you a lot". I went to say I care for you too Kelly but I blurt out " I love you too Kelly"... I caught myself after I said it Kelly is stunned. She said " You love me??" I feel my face blush and I said " Yes".. as I looked down at my bed. I look up at her and said " Was that too soon??" Kelly said " No... because I love you too Kim... I always have"... I can't believe she said it. She pulls me into a deep passionate kiss I kiss her back with passion as we lay back on the bed. Soon we are under the covers as she is on top of me thrusting into me with an eight inch strap on. She is kissing on my neck as she continues going slow and deep. I whimper softly as I feel her sucking on my neck. She growls quietly and starts thrusting hard making the bed squeak a little as she picked up the pace. I moan into her shoulder as I feel the strap on hit my cervix. She growls as she grabs me by the throat I whimper at her aggression as she pushes her thumb into the side of my neck. I said " Oh god.. baby".. Kelly groans loud in pleasure as she starts pounding into me at a fast pace making our skin slap and the bed squeak. Kelly stops and flips me over on my stomach and pushes the strap on back inside me and I put my face into the pillow whimpering at the pressure of the penetration as I feel myself stretching around the strap on. I feel her grab the back of my hair and pull my head back I whimper at the aggression. She starts slowly thrusting into me I can feel her beside my ear as she continued. She said " Fuck... you're so tight... you like that baby??" I whimpered " Yes"... She said " Is that mine??".. I whimper and she takes her hand out of my hair and slaps my butt twice as she starts wearing me out. I scream into the pillow in pleasure and I feel her jerk my hair pulling my head back. I whimpered " Oh god!! Yes!!!".. I feel myself climaxing hard as she covers my mouth I scream into her hand as I climax shaking as she stopped. She lays down the bed beside me on her back as I lay on my stomach catching my breath while she isn't. I look at the strap on and it disappears from around her waist and on mine. She looks down then looks over at me smiling. She said " You want to fuck me?" I turn her over on her stomach she smiles in excitement at me taking charge for once. I push it inside her without warning and she whimpers at the pressure as the strap on stretches her out. It stops resting against her cervix I said by her ear " I wasn't asking"... I grab the back of her hair and start wearing her out as she whimpers and moans.

Today is Saturday August 21, 1982 it's 6:00pm just starting to get dark I've decided to go see Poltergeist with Kelly, Kyle, Jason and Jane. You think the cops got Kelly's tag while she was fleeing but they didn't because if they did they would have showed up at Austin's house because the car is in his name. So Kelly drives her car there with us. Kyle sits up in the front seat with her and holds her hand. I wish that was my hand she was holding but she can't. Kyle knows Kelly is bisexual and of course Jane knows before I got with Kelly. Jane had told me that Kelly would flirt with her off and on making Jane uncomfortable but she never made a move on her but she also liked me so I guess she decided to make one on me instead of Jane. I'm sitting in the back between Jason and Jane as the movie plays it two hours long and rated PG that's the only reason we are here alone watching it too bad we were too young to see Friday the 13th part three it came on this month on August 13th. I can't help but feel jealous as I watch Kyle and Kelly kiss and hold hands. I let Jane know that I need to get out so Kelly opens her door and gets out while Jane raises the seat up and gets out I climb out. Kelly watches me as I walk to the bathroom I walk in the bathroom and up to the sink. I turn the water on and wet my face. I turn the water off and look up at Kelly standing behind me in the mirror. I jump in surprise and turn around looking up at her She said " You good?" I lied " Yeah".. but she can sense that I'm not telling the truth. She said " Don't lie.. what's wrong??" I look down at the floor then back up at her. I said " It kills me seeing you with Kyle".. Kelly walks over to the sink beside the one I'm at. She turns around and has her back to it She said " What do you want me to do? break up with him? besides we could never be public with our relationship because nobody likes a gay here especially the older generation". I said " No I don't want you to.. and you're right we would never be accepted but it hard to watch someone you're in love with be with someone else.. do you even love him Kelly??" She looks away then looks back at me. She said " Yes I do.. but I love you too.. are you trying to make me choose between you two??" I said " I'm not asking you that.. I just wish it was easier so we don't have to hide".. Kelly said " You think I don't wish it were easier?? I do.. I wish we could just tell him"... A voice catches our attention " Tell me what??" Kelly and I look at Kyle standing there with his arms crossed. I feel my anxiety shoot through the roof Kelly sees him and said " Kyle..." He walks up to us casually looking at us. He said " I'm not blind Kelly I know you like Kim and I know she likes you". He looks at me. I said " Kyle... I'm so sorry..." He said " Don't be".. Kelly and I look at each other then back at him. Kelly said " You like this??" Kyle said " Duh I mean two girls?? that's every guy's dream I'm just happy Kim isn't a guy". I'm so confused I said " So you are okay with us being together behind your back??" Kyle gets closer and our backs touch the outside wall of the first stall. Kyle is standing in front of Kelly as she looks up at him. He puts his hands on the wall above her with his lips inches away from hers. He said " We can both share you".. He looks at me and winks. He said " But Kim and I aren't having sex.. how does that sound??" Kelly is speechless for the first time in her life I feel my jaw drop. Kelly said as she blushed " That sounds good to me". He looks at me and said " What do you think Kim??" I said " I don't know... a threesome you guys?? a bit weird don't you think??" Kyle said " It will be between the three of us.. Nobody will ever know".. Kyle kisses Kelly as she keeps her back against the wall. Afterwards I put my hand on her face and turn it towards me kissing her passionately as Kyle watched. We walked out of the bathroom and back to the car before Jason and Jane came looking for us.

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