Sweet Revenge

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 15

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

( February 7, 1983)

It's been two weeks since I vanquished Sara at the ravine. I couldn't stand back and let her hurt Dakota. Kelly might not have liked it but she helped me, Jane and Jason when Darrell and Melissa appeared. Kelly even saved Dakota from falling to her possible death. I honestly didn't expect to hear that. Apparently Dakota can't teleport so she could have died from that fall if it wasn't for Kelly. Speak of the devil literally it's her sixteenth birthday today. I'm waiting on her to come pick me for school but she is running a little late. I walk into the foyer and make sure the door is locked. I walk into the living room and pet Zeke as he lays on the couch. I pick up my keys off the side table and my backpack off the couch. I start teleporting out there and find them changing the tires on Kelly's 1977 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am. I'm standing in the yard right in front of the steps of the front porch. I look over to the left against the porch and there are four slashed tires in the grass. Kelly said " Babe?" I look over and she's walking up to me in a black tank top, dark high waisted blue jeans and her Adidas top tens, her hair is tied back in a ponytail the end of it is curly her bangs are down on the right with some curls at the end. She is wiping grease off her hands with a red work rag. I feel myself being turned on by looking at her body she looks great in tank tops. I clear my thoughts and She said " I would have been over at your house sooner but some douche nozzle slashed all my tires". I said " I wonder who it was." Kelly said " No clue but when I find out their dead meat". We walk over to the car and Austin is sitting on the ground with a four way tool tightening the lug nuts on the wheels. He tightens the last one and lays the tool down on the ground. He grunts as he tries to raise up but can't. He reaches up as Kelly holds out her small hand grabbing a hold of his big hand. He holds on tight as she pulls him up to his feet and remember Austin is a big man weighing at 180 lbs. I wouldn't have been able to make him budge if I didn't use my telekinetic strength. He said " Well now you have brand new tires." Kelly said " Thanks dad". He said " You're welcome Kelly". She walks up on the porch and inside the house to wash her hands. Austin walks over to a small cooler and opens it pulling out a Coors banquet beer can. He snaps it open and takes a drink. He pulls out a soft pack of Marlboro reds. He takes one out and taps it on his silver Zippo lighter then puts it in his mouth striking the lighter but it doesn't light. Kelly is walking down the stairs. Austin strikes the lighter again and nothing. Kelly pulls out a blue bic lighter and hands it to him. He lights up his cigarettes' and the smoke goes towards us Kelly waves it out of her face in disgust she hates cigarettes'. Austin hands her back the lighter and she puts it in the pocket of her blue jeans. She now has on her blue jean jacket over the black tank top. Austin pulls out his brown leather wallet and pulls out three one hundred dollar bills handing them to Kelly. She puts them in her pocket and He said " I have to go out of town for a couple of days so that's for your birthday and to get something to eat". Kelly said " Can I have a party here at the house?" He said " I suppose. But I swear if anything is stolen or damaged there will be repercussions". Kelly mocks him and he smacks her in the back of the head with his hand. She glares up at him and He said " Smart ass". He walks up on the porch then turns around. Austin said " Remember what I said young lady". Kelly smiles sarcastically giving him a thumbs up as he turns around she flips him off. We get in the car and she puts the keys in the ignition and starts it up. She pushes the clutch in then releases it as she pushes on the gas and shifts into first gear pulling down the driveway. She drives the twenty minutes to school pulling into the back parking lot. She pulls in a spot beside a sky blue 1983 Toyota Corolla hatchback. She turns the car off and we get out of the car closing the doors. We walk around to the back of the car where Dakota is standing there at the back of the car. She smiles at me and I smile back. Kelly looks over at the car and snickers. She said to Dakota " What the fuck is that?" Dakota smiles sarcastically then said " Kelly always a pleasure". Kelly flips her ponytail over her shoulder with an attitude. I said " What happened to your Bronco?" Dakota said " Someone slashed all the tires so I had to drive my mom's car". Kelly said to Dakota " Have you found another girlfriend yet? or are you gonna keep creeping on Kim?" Dakota rolls her eyes at the comment. She said " Someone is extra sassy today". I said " It's her birthday". Dakota said with sarcasm " Aww is someone finally sixteen?" Kelly flips her off, Dakota smirks then winks at me as Kelly looks away. Dakota is wearing her grey jacket, a black and white long sleeve flannel, dark high waisted blue jeans and her black Chuck Taylor's. I'm wearing my blue jean jacket, a black Aerosmith t-shirt, a pair of dark high waisted blue jeans and my black Nike Pegasus. Kelly is thinking, She said to Dakota " So when you woke up this morning all of your tires were slashed too?" Dakota said " Yeah?" Kelly said " Interesting". I said " What are you getting with this?" Kelly turns around looking at me and Dakota. She said " I think the same fucker that slashed my tires also slashed Dakota's". I said " Maybe". Dakota said to Kelly " You don't know that". Kelly said " It's awful funny how both of our cars ended up with all four tires slashed. Someone did it and I think it's someone hear at school". Kelly is scanning the parking lot when Jane walks up. She said " Who is she looking for?" I said " Someone slashed all four of Kelly's tires and Dakota's this morning". Jane said " Who did you piss off this time Kelly?" She shrugs her shoulders. Kelly spots Natalie and Patrick standing infront of Natalie's black 1982 Z28 Camaro. Kelly said " I bet it was those bitches". Jane said " Maybe.. I mean you did vanquish Ashley last month". I said " Yeah and Natalie hasn't been right since then it really hurt her you can tell". Kelly scoffs " They should have left us alone". Now I think about it Natalie has been acting weird lately. Kelly goes to move and I grab her arm stopping her. She looks back at my hand on her arm, I said " Kelly don't. It's your birthday and getting suspended wouldn't be a good thing to do right now besides your dad will kill you". For once in her life she actually listens to me. I think I'm gonna fall over. Kelly leans back up against the trunk with her arms crossed. Jane is looking at her like she doesn't know her. Jane said " Okay?? either I'm seeing things or did Kelly just actually listen??" Kelly rolls her eyes, then said " Kim is right. I'll confront the bitch another day". Dakota said " Look who's growing up". Kelly side eyes her. Roy's truck pulls up and stops Kyle gets out walking around the front and up to us. Roy pulls off waving at us. Kyle reaches in the pocket of his blue jean jacket and pulls out a small black box. Oh god.. please don't let that be what I think it is. Kelly sees it and is stunned. She said " Kyle??" He laughs nervously then said " It's not a ring I promise".

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