Bad Blood

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 4

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

it's Friday September 3, 1982; Brad is still " missing " that's what everyone else thinks. Because Kelly and I left out part of the story the most important part, Where is Brad?? He's dead.. I watched Kelly snap his neck like a popsicle stick and his body just went limp as she let him fall to the ground lifeless. A few seconds later his body bust into flames and disappeared into thin air as if he never even existed.. I do feel bad that he died but at the same time I don't.. Because he was evil and tried to kill me so he got what he deserved as Kelly puts it. I know what you're thinking.. Kelly is no angel either she had beaten me up a few hours before I went out with Brad. But she apologized and promised it wouldn't happen again. I know she loves me but sometimes I can't help but think if you love someone why put your hands on them?? Because if you truly loved someone you would never do anything to hurt them especially using physical violence to make a point across or cause you were angry with them. But she hasn't beaten me up like that since then but I guess I should learn to watch what I say to avoid that situation again or a slap to the face. Thank god for makeup if I didn't have it then I'd have some explaining to do. I'm walking to school today, I'm about an hour early it's 7:00 am and the front doors of the school don't open until about 7:30 am but you don't have to be in homeroom until 8:25 am past that it's considered a tardy. As I'm walking down the sidewalk by the football field I can hear the traffic passing by me. I hear a car slow down beside me and my anxiety raises I look out the corner of my eye and see a black car driving beside me slowly. I look over and see Kelly in her Pontiac Firebird. I sigh in relief She smiles at me and said " What's the matter?? thought I was a perv or something??" I smirk and said " Maybe". She smiles then said " Come on let's ditch school". I said " Not happening my mom would kill me". Kelly has stopped the car as I stand on the sidewalk. She said " Well let's go up to Sharp's Ridge for a few.. We'll be at school before the bell rings". I said " I don't know Kelly". She said " Please?" Turning on that charm of hers. I said " Okay fine.. if we are late it's your fault". I walk off the sidewalk and around the front of the car up to the passenger side. I open the door and get inside sitting my back pack in the floor board in between my feet. She puts the car in drive going past the school on Woodland Avenue and down North Broadway leading all the way down to Ludlow Avenue because North Broadway is a very long road it's considered the main street over here. She follows Ludlow Avenue up to Sharp's Ridge; it's a memorial park that was dedicated to Knox county's Veterans in 1953. They say that it's named after the Sharpe Family who once lived up on the ridge in the 19th century. She drives up the overlook which is the highest point in the city, She parks her car in a parking spot directly in front of a chain link fence that has a sidewalk built beside it. I'm looking at the view from the passenger seat of the car there are two power lines that lead from a metal tower on down over the overlook. I hear Kelly rummaging around in the storage compartment between us that lays on the seat. I look over and see her picking up what looks like a joint wrapped in a thin rolling paper. She has a black lighter in her hand. I said " What are you doing?" She said " What does it look like I'm doing? I'm gonna smoke this doobie". I said " Aren't you afraid of getting caught or something?" Kelly strikes the lighter and lights up the end of the joint as it burns bright orange. She puffs on it and heavy white smoke fills the car. It smells like dirt almost I cough and start rolling the window down on my side by using the handle crank. Kelly snickers at me then said " You're such a puss". I said " I'm not". Kelly takes a hit and said " Prove it then take a hit". I move her hand pushing the joint back to her and she smiles. She said " See no backbone". I take the joint from her and said " You're such an ass Kelly". She smiles wickedly as I take one easy hit off it. I instantly fill my lungs filled with smoke I blow it out and start coughing loud as Kelly giggles. I hand it back without looking at her as I catch my breath.. Damn that kind of of hurt. I look back at Kelly and she's putting it out in the ashtray. She said " You're gonna feel that here in a few minutes". I said " I never pegged you for a stoner". Kelly's ocean blue eyes are red and glassy from smoking. She said as she picked up a bottle of Visine " There's alot you don't know about me Kim". She tilts her head back applying the eye drops in her eyes. She looks at me and the redness in her eyes slowly disappear. I said " Like what?" She gives me a look then hands me the bottle of Visine and I put the drops in my eyes. I'm starting to feel the effects of the pot, I feel very relaxed as if I'm floating. Kelly looks at me and said " You're high now". She smiles at me and I start giggling.. Oh no here starts the giggles.. I said " How the hell do you smoke this stuff?" Kelly said " I've been doing it since I was fourteen the more you smoke the more tolerance you build up." I'm starting to feel insanely turned on it all the sudden. Kelly puts her hand on my knee and I look up at her. I turn to her and put my hand on her face I said as I admired her beauty " God.. you are so fucking beautiful"... She smiles then said " You're just saying that because you're high". I said " I'd say it if I wasn't.. You're gorgeous.. don't ever let anyone tell you that you're not".. Our lips are inches away I said by her ear quietly " I want to bend you over that backseat so bad right now and wear you out"... 

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