The demon with a soul

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 27

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

It's been three months since Azren cut off Kelly's wings it didn't take away her powers it hurt her pride more than anything. I thought she vanquished Azren but he popped his head out of the rift and tried to pull Kelly back in but she knocked him back inside and sealed the rift with her fire throwing power. It's October 7, 1983; I'm at my house waiting on Kelly to pick me up for school. After my shower I got dressed putting on deodorant and my perfume. I put on my dark blue jean jacket, a black t-shirt that has Journey's Frontiers album cover on it, a pair of dark high waisted blue jeans and my black Nike Pegasus shoes. On Monday the 3rd I got the scariest phone call from my mom while I was at school. She told me that Jane lost control of her car and crashed into a tree head on. She got a cut on her forehead just above her right eyebrow. She wasn't speeding but the front of the car was destroyed and her front window shattered on impact. The doctors checked her out and told her that she needed to get prescription eye glasses before she gets behind the wheel again that was the reason she wrecked. She was released from the hospital that day and she told me she was nervous about getting glasses because she didn't want to look like a geek but I encouraged her to not be afraid. I'm in the living room searching for my Walkman when I hear a horn outside. I spot it under Zeke as he sleeps. I pull it out from under him and he yawns as I pet his head. I look at my pull over head phones and they are a little bent from him laying on them it's not too bad though. I walk into the foyer with my backpack on my right shoulder as I open the door. I walk out and lock the door. I walk down to the car and get inside closing the door. I sit my backpack down in the floorboard at my feet and Kelly said with sarcasm " Took you long enough". I showed her my headphones and said " I couldn't find my Walkman it was under Zeke". Kelly is driving down the road as I talk. I said " Jane is still bummed out about her car". Kelly said " It will get fixed but it will probably take a few weeks". I said " I'm just glad she's okay". Kelly turns up the hill by the hospital and goes up turning right into the parking lot she drives down and parks her car in the middle space. We get out closing the doors and walk around to the back of the car. Kelly is wearing another blue jean jacket similar to the one she had but it was destroyed by Azren, a red, black and white plaid flannel shirt that is long sleeves, a grey t-shirt with the flannel buttoned up, a pair of dark high waisted blue jeans and her grey and red reeboks. We hear the sound of a loud engine and look over at a silver 1970 Chevelle SS pulling into the parking lot Jason is driving, Jane is in the passenger seat and Kyle is in the back behind Jason. He pulls the car in the spot by Kelly's car we both look at the car. They all get out closing the doors and walk over to us. Kelly said to Jason " So you finally got your permit I see". Jason said as he smiled " Sure did". Kelly studies the car and said " A 1970 Chevelle SS awesome car it's older than mine". Jason said with a smile " It's probably faster than yours too". Kelly smiles evilly and motions for Jason to follow her around to the front of the car. Me, Jane and Kyle follow them and stand back as she pops the hood revealing the engine. Jason and Kyle are amazed as they look at it. Kelly said " It's a V8 engine with 400 horsepower". Jason said " Did you build that engine yourself?" Kelly said " Yeah and I even ripped out that lame speed limiter so instead of it going 118 mph it goes 160 mph". She closes the hood and we walk over to Jason's car as he pops the hood revealing his engine. Jason said " Mine is also a V8 but with 400 horsepower and it goes 162 mph". Kelly said " Sounds bitchining. Wanna race sometime?" Jason said " Maybe". with a smile.

As Kelly, Jason and Kyle talk Jane pulls me into the gym lobby and we go into the bathroom together. We are standing infront of the bathroom sink with a mirror infront of us. Jane said with a nervous smile " I got my glasses yesterday". I said " Why didn't you wear them yesterday?" Jane said " Cause I'm afraid everyone will make fun of me". I said " Nobody is gonna make fun of you if they do I'll beat them up.. Jane you are so beautiful and that's not gonna change by wearing glasses". She smiles as she blushes. She said " If you were a guy I bet you'd be a good one". I feel my face blush and said " I don't know about that I'd probably be an asshole". Jane said " I don't think you would be". I said " Jason would kick my ass". We both giggle. She sits her backpack up on the sink and unzips the small pocket. She pulls out a black leather case she opens it and pulls out the glasses and puts them on. They are black plastic hipster frames. She smiles shy as she looks at me. She said " How do I look?" I said " You look beautiful. I told you it wouldn't change anything". She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back. We walk out with her wearing the glasses and back up to Kelly and the boys. They were all talking and they stop when they see Jane. Jason smiles and said " Babe you didn't tell me you got your glasses already?" Jane said " I was afraid people would make fun of me". Jason said " Nobody is gonna make fun of you baby you look great". Kyle nods in agreement. Jane looks at Kelly and said " Sure you don't have something smart to say Kelly?" she said with sarcasm. Kelly said " Glasses are hot". she winks at Jane and she smiles rolling her eyes. Jason said " So I'm taking Jane out tonight at the drive-in for our official first date we're gonna see that James Bond film called Never say never. You guys wanna come?" Me and Kyle said yes at the same time. Kelly said " Sounds kind of cheesy as most James Bond films are". Jason said with a smile " That's what makes it great". Kelly said with grin " Fine I'll go". We here the sound of people arguing in the middle of the parking lot. We all look over and see Shana and Jacob arguing with a girl and a guy. We all walk over there me and Jane get between Shana and the girl while Jason and Kyle get between Jacob and the guy. I'm infront of Shana with my back turned as Jane looks up at the girl and she is tall towering over us. She is 5'9" and weights about 150 lbs. Jane said to the girl " Do we have a problem here?" The girl smiles evilly as she gets closer to Jane looking down at her trying to intimated her with her size. The girl said " I'll squish you like a bug". Jane isn't backing down, She said " Like that scares me now you and your boyfriend get lost and leave them alone". The girl shoves Jane making her take a few steps back. She said " Do something then bitch!" Jane composes herself and steps up. She said " Last chance". I'm now standing beside Jane backing her up. The girl looks down at me and laughs sarcastically. She said to me " What the hell are you gonna do bite my ankles?" She laughs so does some of the crowd. Kelly gets infront of us and shoves the girl hard making her take a few steps back. Kelly said " Stop being a pussy and do something bitch!" Kelly and the girl are nose to nose. The girl said " Get out of the way or your next!" Kelly pushes her forehead against the girl's as she holds onto the front of her shirt. She said " All I hear is a lot of talk! and you not doing nothing!" Kelly shoves her back and said " Fucking pussy! She's all talk!" Kelly announces that to the whole parking lot. The girl charges at Kelly with her shoulders pointed headed for her waist. Kelly catches her in a headlock and the girl thrashes against her trying to get free. They are moving all over the parking lot as Kelly laughs wickedly still keeping her in the hold. They get right by a tree planted in a small patch of grass surrounded by cement and Kelly grabs the back of the girl's blue jeans with her right hand and puts her left arm under her stomach and flips her forward into the grass. She exclaims as she lands on her stomach by the tree. Kelly is laughing wickedly as the rest of us laugh with her. Kelly said to the girl " Next time you'll learn not to fuck with my friends". The girl glares at Kelly and her boyfriend helps her up and they walk over to the stairs leading down to the road where you cross into the courtyard before she goes down she points at Kelly and said " Your goose is cooked bitch!" We walk down in the courtyard and stand by the low brick wall. Those kids aren't anywhere to be found.

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