Jealously is a green monster

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 23

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

Shana and I spend four days in the hospital being treated for nearly drowning. We both got water in our lungs but I got a bit more than Shana and I lost some oxygen to my brain where I was knocked out in the water and I went under. I almost fell to my death if Kelly hadn't of caught me I'd be dead right now. The first two days was rough my chest hurt really bad, I was coughing a lot and I threw up a few times and I was short of breath so they had me on oxygen. But as the third day came around I began to get better. By the fourth day all of my symptoms where gone and the doctors made sure I was better before they told my mom I could be released from the hospital. Today is July 2, 1983 it's my last day in the hospital and my mom is at the discharge area signing me out. Jane is on her way over here bringing me and Shana some clothes and she's gonna be taking us home. My mom has to work or she would bring me home. I'm sitting on the bed watching TV, when I hear a knock at the door. I said " Come in". The door opens revealing Jane with my clothes in her hand. She walks in the door closes softly behind her. She walks up and lays the clothes at the edge of the bed. I stand up and she walks over standing in front of me. She said as she looked down at me " I'm really glad you're okay I was terrified when I saw you go under the water.. Ashley and Mandi knocked down a huge tree in the water that's how you got knocked out by that heavy branch". I said " How did Kelly get to me?" Jane said " She was still up in that cave where you and Shana fell from. She jumped out of that hole diving down across the streams and over the waterfall where her wings came out she then flew down catching you". I said " All I could think about was saving Shana she was almost pulled to the waterfall but I caught her and helped her up on that little piece of land under that opening". Jane said " That opening was about a 40 foot drop into the water. the fall alone could have been fatal". I can see her eyes tearing up as she spoke. She said " I don't ever want to feel that scared again.. I thought I was gonna lose you and I don't think I could handle that very well".. I pull her into a hug and hold her close as I hear her crying softly. I look up at her as I hold her hands I said " I'm not going anywhere.." She said " I love you Kim".. Her eyes widen as she realizes what she just said then She said " I meant that platonically not romantically". Her face blushes a little and I giggle. I said " I love you too Jane".. I go into the bathroom and get dressed as Jane talks to me from the outside. She said from the other side of the door " When are you returning to work?" I said from inside the bathroom as I put my clothes on " Tomorrow Shana is too". Jane said " You'd think they give you guys some time off since you nearly died". She said with sarcasm as I giggle. After I got dressed in my black tank top, my dark blue high waisted jeans, I opened the door and walked over to that chair in the corner of the room where my black Nike Pegasus are with a pair of clean white ankle socks. I put them on as Jane and I still chat. I said " Have you heard from Kelly today?" Jane said " Not yet. I thought she would be here already". By the time the door opens and we look at Kelly walking in. Jane said to her " Where have you been?". Kelly said " I got stuck in traffic. I swear people can't drive worth a shit". 

Jane said " What happened?" Kelly said " Some asshole cut me off on the interstate". I get a bad feeling and I said " Babe what did you do?" Kelly said " What makes you think I did something??" she said that a bit sarcastic. Jane and I give her a look and she smiles evilly. Kelly said " Alright I may have lit a string of firecrackers and threw them into his car as I flew by him". Jane said to Kelly " Asshole". I said " Was he okay?" Kelly said " Yeah he didn't wreck but I think he shit himself". She giggles evilly as Jane and I roll our eyes at her. Mom and Shana walk in. Mom said " What's funny?" Jane said " Trust me you don't want to know". Mom gives Kelly a suspicious look. Mom brushes it off and said to me " Okay you guys are ready to go I'll be home in the morning". I said " Thanks Mom". She gives me a hug and said to me " How are you feeling?" I said " Pretty good". Mom said " Good call me if you start feeling bad". I said " I will". Kelly puts her arm around me and said to Mom " She's in good hands". Mom said " Alright then you guys have fun and be safe". Mom gives me a kiss on the cheek and we all walk out of the room and take the elevator down to the hospital lobby where there are a few reporters in the lobby when we get off the elevator. Mom sees them and said " Shit I forgot they were here". Jane said " What are they doing here?" Mom said " They want to interview Kim, Kelly and Shana I'll get rid of them". Mom walks in front of us and all the reporters start talking at once. Mom said " No questions please". A blonde hair woman said in preppy voice " Why not?" Mom said " Because I'm her mother and I said so". They all turn around and walk outside. I get in Kelly's car with her and Shana gets in Jane's car with her. Kelly drives over to my house and Jane drives Shana home. Kelly and I are walking upstairs to my room. I sit a plastic bag down on the bed and rip it open getting out the clothes I was wearing at the swimming hole. I walk into the bathroom and put them in the laundry hamper I walk down stairs and under the balcony to the kitchen where Kelly is sitting at the kitchen table she bounces a tennis ball on the ground and Zeke chases after it. He catches it in his mouth and brings it back to her. I put the plastic bag in the trashcan by the fridge. Zeke is sitting in front of Kelly and she tosses the ball in the air. Zeke jumps in the air high catching it in his mouth. He lands back on his paws and spots his water bowl he drops the ball and walks over getting a drink. I open the fridge and pull out a Coke. I said to Kelly " Want one?" She shakes her head yes and I grab one. I close the door and walk over to the other chair and sit the coke down on the table infront of Kelly as I sit down. She opens it and takes a drink. Kelly said " So how do you feel?" I said " A lot better the first two days were a little rough". Kelly said " Those bitches are just asking for it and their gonna get it sooner or later". I said " I couldn't agree more". I hear Zeke scratching at the door so I got up and let him out in the backyard. We talked for a little bit longer until Kelly leaned over giving me a kiss. Which ended up turning into a heavy make out session on the table. I'm sitting on the table while Kelly is standing in between my legs. I have my arms wrapped around her neck as she holds onto my waist kissing me passionately. Kelly said as she kissed me " God I missed you".. I put my hand on the back of her head grabbing some of her hair as I kiss her back. I suddenly remember that Jane was coming to my house after she dropped Shana off. I pull away and Kelly said " What is it?" I said " Jane is suppose to be headed over here after dropping Shana off". Kelly said " Yeah so?" with sarcasm. I said " So I'd rather her not walk in on us". Kelly said " Then let's go upstairs". She starts teleporting us with the use of fire until we appear in my room. Kelly closes the door and I said " She's gonna be here any minute Kelly we don't have time to do things". Kelly locks the door and walks up to me. She said " Shana lives almost twenty minutes away we have time". I smile at her as I roll my eyes Kelly growls as she grabs me by the throat. She pushes her thumb into the side of my neck as She spoke in my ear " Now be a good girl and get down on your knees".. She looks down at me with a evil grin. I said as I unbuckled my belt " No.. you get down on yours". Kelly smiles evilly and let's go of my throat She then said " Make me". I hold my hand using my telekinesis I point it at her motioning it down and she is brought to her knees suddenly. She is smiling up at me as she unbuttons my jeans and pulls the zipper down. She opens my jeans and pulls them down a little with my black laced panties she starts running her tongue across my clit as I grip the back of her hair. Several minutes later we end up in my bed, she is riding my nine inch strap on while I hold onto her hips. She leans forward putting her forehead against mine she whimpers and moans quietly as she continued. I groan in pleasure and said " Faster bitch".. I grab her by her throat and push my thumb into the side of her neck. She whimpers as she increases the pace making our skin slap. I raise up and she wraps her arms around my neck as I start thrusting upwards making our skin slap frantically. She moans " Ahhh!! Ahhh!! Fuck!!" as it hits her cervix. I growl as I push forward making her lay on her back. I growl as I start pounding into her at a fast pace. I look up in my vanity mirror as I watch myself thrusting into her. I feel her pull me down and suck on the side of my neck as I keep going at that pace. She moans " Oh god.. Kim.." I stop and flip her over on her stomach the cover is over us and twisted around us. She is looking in the mirror as I push the strap on back inside she whimpers at the pressure of the penetration as it goes deep. I groan in pleasure as I feel it stretching her more I said by her ear " Tell me it's mine"... Kelly whimpers and I growl as I grab the back of her hair pulling her head back as I pull it out then slam it back in. She screams in pleasure. I said as I held her hair " Is it??" Kelly moans softly " Yes.." I said " That's right.. now watch me fuck you". She looks up at the mirror and I growl as I start plowing into her making our skin slap frantically. I watch as she grips the bed sheets with her right hand. Her talons come out and rip the bed sheet. She moans " Ahhh!! Ahhh!! Oh my god!!!" I feel her body start shaking as she starts climaxing hard. I cover her mouth as she exclaims loud climaxing hard. We got dressed and cleaned up about that time we hear car doors closing outside. We walked downstairs in the living room sitting on the couch I can see Jane's car parked on the road infront of my house.

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