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Y/N: Please Cassiopeia, I don't want to fight you!

Cassiopeia: Be quiet! For centuries I have been ridiculed and harassed by men like you for my sex! I shall show no mercy anymore.

Y/N: That was mercy before?! Sending out a titan to fight me?

Cassiopeia: Atleast you were able to win. I did have hopes that I would be able to fight you and I don't want to let it go to waste.

Cassiopeia lunged at Y/N who did a rolling dodge. Cassiopeia repeatedly lunged and swiped at him with her claw-like hands.

Y/N: Please Cassiopeia! Come to your senses! You don't wanna do this!

Cassiopeia: Shut up and die already!

Cassiopeia finally grabbed hold of Y/N's shirt and pinned him to the floor. Her tail wrapped around his neck as she brought him up and lifted him, showing the crowd of snakes her prey.

Cassiopeia: Look upon this scum in disgust my subjects. We shall remove this filth from our world!

Cassiopeia's tail tightened around Y/N's neck as he clasps and clutches at it. Suddenly, Y/N rubs the end of her tail between his two fingers. Cassiopeia squirms about and fidgets. Not in pain, but in ...... arousal? Cassiopeia quickly lets go of Y/N and clutches at her chest. Y/N takes this time out as a chance to catch his breath.

Cassiopeia: Grrr. I won't let you get away with that. If you wanted to be hard then why didn't you say so?

Y/N: Wait what? Cassiopeia I'm sorry I did that to you but I didn't know it would be like that.

Cassiopeia: Quiet! This is what you wanted, isn't it?

Cassiopeia stares into Y/N's eyes and with every second, Y/N becomes more bored. Nothing had happened.

Y/N: Well ... are you gonna do it or what?

Cassiopeia: I'm trying! Have a bit of patience!

Cassiopeia stared for a few more minutes into Y/N's eyes before sighing.

Y/N: So .... what's suppose to be happening?

Cassiopeia: Well usually I turn people into stone whenever I look into their eyes. But I don't really know how to control it so it happens at random.

Y/N: So your power is taking pity on me?

Cassiopeia: Most likely it doesn't want to touch your filthy body.

Y/N: You touched my "filthy body".

Cassiopeia: Well thats different! Anyway, we should probably continue fi-

Suddenly, the roof of the crypts begin shaking and voices can be heard running down the hallways. Y/N sees the plowing of dirt as Boulder and Rek'Sai dig away and the crowd of snakes all slither away quickly.

Cassiopeia: Oh no, not again.

Y/N: Whats happening?! Is there an earthquake?

Cassiopeia: No, something much worse. Men.

Y/N: I take offence to that.

Cassiopeia: When.

Y/N: The second you said it.

Cassiopeia: No, I mean, when did I ask?

Y/N: Whatever. Let's just get out of here.

Cassiopeia: For once I agree with you.

Y/N ran through a doorway as Cassiopeia slithered behind him. He stayed away from the sounds of voices. After 8 minutes of running through the crypts, they came across the hole that Rek'Sai dug to get in.

The Journey through Runeterra (League of Legends x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now