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Y/N scanned the area while shouting Cassiopeia's name. He was unable to see anything other the crowds of people though. He looked behind him at the salesman who looked equally as concerned as himself.

Y/N: Did you see who took her?

Salesman Steve: Y-yes sir. A tall, muscular male.

Y/N face palmed.

Y/N: Why is it always the dudes that capture her? Well, I suppose she has a fine figure for a snake. Anyway, did you see where they went with her.

Salesman Steve: Down that alley by the herbal stand.

Y/N: Thank you.

Y/N quickly rushed off to the herbal stand where a few people stood around. Mostly women who were holding small children but men also. He peeked a corner and saw 4 men leading a woman into the alleyway.

Y/N: Gotta be her!

Y/N burrowed beneath the sand where nobody would see him and followed them. When he saw them begin to touch the women, Y/N pounced to the surface and stood in a menacing pose.

Y/N: Give me back ... Cassiopeia?

The lady infact was not Cassiopeia. She was however one of the prostitutes from earlier and Y/N had just witnessed a gang-bang for the first time. Blood shot out of his nose and was sent flying back into his tunnel. As Y/N wiped the blood from his face, he resurfaced and headed straight for the stand where Salesman Steve was. But the place where he was however had vanished in its place, leaving only empty turf behind.

Y/N: Damn weasel tricked me.

Y/N looked around until he notices fading footprints in the sand leading out of the market. Y/N follower these footprint which suddenly stopped and became tyre marks.
Y/N collapsed onto his knees and a few tears fell down his eyes.

Y/N: Damn it!

Suddenly, from out of the sand next to him crawled our Rek'Sai with a sleeping Boulder ontop of her. She clicked and lowered her face to the tyre marks. She then grabbed Y/N with a large arm, placed him on her back and rode under the sands to where the tracks led them.

They arrived at another town. This one however, was dark and miserable. Instead of the soft sand that had covered the ground previously, there was hard stone which jabbed at Y/N's feet with every step. Rek'Sai kept her face to the ground, seemingly sniffing the trail. Suddenly, she stopped and quickly turned her head down an alleyway. Y/N sniffed himself and felt the soft smell of snake skin crawl up his nose.

Y/N: This has to be her.

Y/N was about to storm down there but Rek'Sai but a bulky arm infront of him. After a couple clicks, Y/N nodded.

Y/N: You're right, we need a strategy.

After a couple seconds of thinking, which was all the time he probably had to spare, Y/N thought of a plan. It wasn't much but it did have a quite good success rate. Y/N quickly shook Boulder awake and told them the plan. They both nodded and Boulder hoped off Rek'Sai's back as she burrowed into the dirt.

Y/N and Boulder stroll casually down the alleyway until they stopped infront of 3 men who were in a triangular formation around Cassiopeia. One of these men were none other then Salesman Steve who seemed to be the leader judging by his very fancy top-hat.

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