Meeting the Empress

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Butler: I said, our Empress Qiyana wishes to see you in her room immediately.

Y/N glanced over to Cassiopeia, Boulder and Rek'Sai who were all looking around the market they were currently situated in.

Y/N: Eh, why not.

The butler walked off with Y/N following behind him.

Cassiopeia: Hey Y/N, don't you think this bracelet would look amazing on- WHERE THE FUCK DID HE GO NOW?! Voltzy!

Voltzy: BITCH IM EATING ALMONDS! (Only true chads and chadettes will get this reference).

Cassiopeia: Where did Y/N go?

Voltzy: To continue the story. I've been away from this book for the past 5 months so we're trying to speed things along to some of my favourite parts. Oh, by the way. I might aswell give you guys a list of the champions we're introducing into this story.

Cassiopeia(already included)
Rek'Sai(already included)
Qiyana(already included)
Rammus(already included)

And because I'm such a massive wanker I'm not gonna tell you all of them.

Cassiopeia: So where did he go?

Voltzy: To Empress Qiyana's quarters for a "special meeting".

Cassiopeia: Which means ...?

Voltzy: That this will be my 2nd lemon chapter I've ever made on wattpad.

Steam began pouring out of Cassiopeia's ears.


Cassiopeia dragged Rek'Sai and Boulder along the floor and ran towards a random direction.

Voltzy: Heh, jokes on them. They went the wrong way. Oh shit nvm thats the correct way. Lord have mercy on your soul Y/N.

Y/N was lead into a large room by the Bulter, filled with anything you could need and with plenty of room to spare. In the centre of the room sat a large golden throne with its back turned.

Qiyana: You may leave now.

Y/N went for the door.

Qiyana: Not you!

The butler headed towards the door.

Y/N: That makes alot more sense now-

Qiyana: I've been expecting you Y/N.

Y/N: I can tell. You sent a very well dressed butler to come get me.

Qiyana sighed and turned to face Y/N.

Qiyana: What I mean is ... I'm thankful you accepted my invitation. After viewing your combat skills with those fine set of jaws and that long ... slimy ... gurthy tongue of yours I must say that even I am impressed.

Y/N: Thanks? So why did you invite me here anyway?

Qiyana: Well, you see. I was hoping you would help me out with a teensy problem I have.

Qiyana got off her chair and walked to Y/N. She dragged her finger across him.

Qiyana: I've got a problem that only YOU can fix!

Qiyana whispered in Y/N's ears and pressed her TIDDY against his back.

Y/N: O-ok. What is it?

Qiyana: Theres a problem with my forest that I need your help with. And you'll have to go deep ... deep inside it.

Suddenly, the doors burst open.


Cassiopeia grabbed Y/N's arm and dragged him away from Qiyana.

Qiyana: Ugh, fine. I'll say it in a boring way. Our scouts have been told of strange sightings outside the walls. Strange laughs from a girl and voices coming from people.

Y/N: Isn't that how voices work?

Qiyana: The wrong voice! Grown men were heard as girls from their comrades and its scaring everybody. I would like you too track down the culprit of all this and deal with them with however much force is needed.

Y/N thought for a moment and looked back at the others.

Y/N: What do you think guys? Shall we do it?

Rek'Sai: (Clicks of agreement)

Qiyana: Wait a second, I said Y/N. Not you guys.

Boulder jumped up and down

Qiyana: This is suppose to be a solo mission!

Cassiopeia: Fine. But only because it annoys this bitch that we're coming.

Qiyana: FINE! You four shall go and save our people from the mystery surrounding this forrest. I bid you good luck.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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