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As the 4 began approaching the huge jungle at an alarming rate, Cassiopeia became increasingly worried.

Cassiopeia: Y/N, stop the car.

Y/N: Huh?

Cassiopeia: STOP THE CAR!

Y/N: I can't.

Cassiopeia froze for a second.

Cassiopeia: What?

Y/N: I don't know how to drive!


Y/N: I forgot that I didn't know how to drive though!

The jungle was getting closer and closer and everyone became increasingly worried. In only a few seconds they would crash and meet their demise. Cassiopeia got into a brace position and Y/N copied her. Upon lifting his foot from the pedal though, the car slowed down and came to a stop infront of the trees. Y/N looked up and down at where his foot had been. Cassiopeia looked up and glared at him.

Y/N: Huh, I guess I do know how to drive ...

Y/N got out the car where Rek'Sai was waiting for everyone. Boulder climbed onto her back and Cassiopeia slithered next to Y/N.

Cassiopeia: So this is the great jungle of Ixtal?

Y/N: There's no other jungles around here so I would hope so.

Cassiopeia: So are we going in or not?

Y/N: Ok ok!

They carried on through the jungle with Rek'Sai leading them, slashing away at the overgrown shrubs with her claws. Boulder lay on her back and Y/N and Cassiopeia were directly behind her. Cassiopeia, like always, was complaining.

Cassiopeia: I thought you said that this place wouldn't be so hot! I feel like it's even hotter than the desert!

Y/N: Shurima.

Cassiopeia: What?

Y/N: That desert land. It's called Shurima.

Cassiopeia: Ok then, so why is this place so hot exactly?

Y/N: Maybe because we're right next to a FUCKING desert. And I thought I was stupid!

Cassiopeia: You are stupid, I was just mistaken.

Rek'Sai growled at the two to stop bickering and they both stayed in silence for some time. Y/N looked around. The leaves rustled around as if someone were following them. He grinded his teeth and quickened his pace. His teeth made a horrid metallic sound as they scraped against each other. Once Y/N spoke again, it was getting dark.

Y/N: This seems to be a good place to sleep for the night.

Y/N signalled to a clearing in the trees.

Cassiopeia: Fine, wheres the tent?

Y/N: Tent? Where would I get a tent from?

Cassiopeia: From the back of the jeep which I told you to get after you stopped driving.


Cassiopeia: Y/N, remember to bring the tent with us after we stop. We could use it for later.

Y/N: Oh cool, a penny!

Y/N picks up a penny from a cup holder.

Cassiopeia: Y/N, did you hear what I said?

Y/N: Yeah yeah.


Y/N: Wait ... you said to bring the tent?

Cassiopeia: YES! What else would I have said?!

Brent: Hi.

Scorpion: Hi.

Cassiopeia: WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!

Y/N: I thought you said to sting Brent when we stop. I was wondering why you thought it would be useful but now that makes more sense.

Cassiopeia: ....... I have so many questions. Where were they until now?!

Y/N: ............... so lets make a shelter!

Y/N clicked and Brent and the scorpion disappeared and he began picking up sticks. He made teepees for each of them. For Rek'Sai, he left out some leaves for her to make into a bed when she went underground. He made a fire in the middle with some sticks and rocks and huddled around it.

Cassiopeia: Alright Y/N. Lets see what food you got for us.

Y/N: Food?


Y/N: Well ... you see.


Cassiopeia: Y/N. Be sure to bring some food when we stop.

Y/N: Bruh is that a fucking Armadillo i see in the distance?

Cassiopeia: Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah yeah I will.


Y/N pulls out a picture from his pocket. Which gets immediately torn up by Cassiopeia.

Y/N: I thought you said nude. And I didn't want to have one of me so ....

Cassiopeia: How the hell did you get this?

Y/N: It's a very long story.


Y/N took a photo.


Y/N: Huh, maybe not.

Cassiopeia: Ugh, I'm going to bed.

Y/N: Oki doki, good night.

Cassiopeia slithered into her teepee and slept. Y/N stretched his arms and lay down by the side of the fire. A little lie down wouldn't hurt. Just as Y/N was about to get up again, he felt something penetrate the back of his neck and his limp body get dragged away. He tried to fight off whoever was doing so but his body felt so numb and tired.

The next morning, Cassiopeia woke up and looked around for Y/N. She checked in his teepee, by the bushes and went into Rek'Sai's tunnel just to see if he could be snoozing with Boulder. He was nowhere to be found. Confused, Cassiopeia sat down by where the fire had been but was now a pile of ashes. She then noticed a small blotch of a red substance on the ground. She looked at in and there seemed to be a trail of it leading into the woods.

Cassiopeia: Y/N!

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