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Hey guys, sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time. I was planning to on New Years but I got covid. I still have it but I don't wanna let any of you down so I'll push myself.

The 4 friends travelled through the desert. Over the dunes and through treacherous sand storms. With each day they became hungrier and hungrier. Thirstier and thirstier until Y/N couldn't take the sound of their empty stomachs anymore.

Y/N: Thats it! Next town we see we're going to! I can't stand this.

Cassiopeia: I agree. I didn't join you guys just to starve to death.

Y/N: Oh really? I thought that was the main reason?!

Boudler snapped at the two to stop fighting. They both scowled at each other and continued their journey. After multiple hours of silene, Rek'Sai dove beneath the sand and a shrieking sound was heard over the dune followed by a bone-shattering crunch. The three ran towards the noise and saw Rek'Sai sitting beside a group of half eaten traders.

Y/N: Welp, beggars can't be choosers. Boulder, go scrounge around for some herbs or fruit they might be carrying for yourself. Cassiopeia, try find whatever you can salv-

Cassiopeia: Do not tell me what to do! I shall eat now.

Cassiopeia began eating at one of the trader's body. Y/N approached it aswell but was quickly shooed away.

Cassiopeia: Tsk tsk tsk. Ever heard of ladies first? Have some manners shark boy.

Y/N sighed and his stomach grumbled. He took one look at the bodies and shrugged. After taking a bite, Y/N tasted it for a bit and then swallowed. It felt strangely familiar to him, almost as if he had tried it in another universe. After a couple more bites, the body was a pile of clothing and a few bones. Y/N wiped his mouth clean and looked over. Boulder was asleep on an also sleeping Rek'Sai and Cassiopeia was rummaging through the trader's luggage. After some time she pulled out a sock that had gotten stiff. Y/N knew exactly what it was but Cassiopeia had no clue and as such, she began nibbling on it.

Y/N: AUGH! Cassiopeia don't eat that!

Cassiopeia: I wasn't going to eat it. I just wanted to know what it tasted like.

Y/N: Do you not know what that is?!

Cassiopeia: It's a sock you idiot.

Y/N: Yes but .... (one 3 minute depression inducing lecture later)


Y/N: 'Tis a way of life not many of us can stray from.

Cassiopeia: I don't care about your excuses just stay away from me while I sleep!

Y/N: I didn't intend on sleeping with your scaly ass! (Whisper) I'm sure multiple people are into that though. Go ahead, draw your fan art. Voltzy needs something new to fa-


Cassiopeia: Just don't talk, touch, look at or come near me.

Y/N: Yessir.

Cassiopeia gave Y/N a deadly glare.

Y/N: MA'AM! Yes ma'am.

Cassiopeia: God I wish my curse worked right now.

As Cassiopeia fell asleep, Y/N lay on his back staring at the stars. As he looked up, a star shot past him in the sky.

Y/N: I wish ...

As Y/N wished, he didn't know that a certain someone was listening. As Y/N finished his wish and fell asleep, Cassiopeia softly smiled.

Cassiopeia: Goodnight sweet prince.

The next morning came and everyone was up and ready after the meal they had the night before. After a couple hours without disruption of the silence, Y/N caught the smell of something in the air. The on the horizon, Y/N saw a cluster of people who flooded between stalls of food, utensils and décor.

Y/N: Do you know what that is?!

Cassiopeia: A place we're going to avoid.

Y/N: That's right, a market! Muy biennnnnn!

Voltzy: That's right, you just got Dora the Explorered.

Y/N: Come on Cassiopeia, why don't you want to go there?

Cassiopeia: We are a Xer'Sai, Snake lady, Krug and Shark Boy. Aswell as a retarded narrator who pops in to make terrible jokes.

Voltzy: HEY! I made amazing jokes in my other story, right guys? Right?

Cassiopeia: The only reason everyone is here now is because of that story which isn't even good!

Y/N: Stop fighting guys. Cassiopeia, whether you like it or not we're going there. You and I need something to wear for where we're going next.

Cassiopeia: And where is that?

Y/N: .... To be honest not a clue BUT I'm sure it'll be colder than this desert so we'd better buy some clothes.

Cassiopeia: Yeah, no. I'm good but if you want something new to wear you can go on ahead. I'll wait here. Beside, everyone's gonna freak out once they see me.

Y/N: That's why we're gonna get you a disguise.

Cassiopeia: Hah! Good luck getting one before sunset.

From behind Rek'Sai's back, Y/N pulled out a long cloak. Long enough to cover Cassiopeia's tail.

Cassiopeia: ...... How many times do I have to say that I hate you?

Y/N: Cmonnn. You know you love me.

Cassiopeia blushed slightly before snatching the cloak and wrapping it around herself.

Y/N: There we go. Rek'Sai, stay here. We don't want to cause a commotion with you 'cause I don't think theres any way we can get a disguise on you.

Rek'Sai grumbled as she dug into the sand and sat below the surface. The three surface-dwelling ones walked the short distance to the marketplace. They were met with shouts and bargains, bumps and barges, deceiving and downright shady looking men in alleyways. Some women stood alone by buildings with the bare minimum amount of clothes on, waving flirtatiously at passerbyers. Y/N got one of these waves and received a poke in the side by Cassiopeia's long fingernail as a sign to not get any ideas. Y/N though ...... had no clue what the ladies were doing. For all he knew, they were trying to tickle the air with their bony fingers and smoke filled lungs.

Y/N: Cassiopeia, stay close. It'll be easy to get lost in this crowd.

Cassiopeia slithered a couple inches closer to Y/N.

Y/N: If you see anything you fancy, give me a call.

Cassiopeia: Mhm.

They wandered aimlessly around the marketplace. Boulder was caught stealing fruits from a basket and as such, was chased off to where Rek'Sai currently lay. Rek'Sai and Boulder had formed quite a bond while Y/N was in the colosseum fighting for his life.

Cassiopeia: Y/N!

Y/N looked behind him and saw Cassiopeia gazing at a necklace on a table. It had an emerald snake on the front of it.

Y/N: You want it?

Cassiopeia: Yep!

Y/N: Alright, I got this purse from the traders. There should we more than enough to buy it.

Y/N handed the money over to the salesman and turned around to give it to Cassiopeia.

Y/N: You know Cassiopeia, I think we're really starting to get along- Cassiopeia? Cassiopeia?!

Cassiopeia was nowhere to be seen.

The Journey through Runeterra (League of Legends x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now