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Y/N woke up from his dream. It was a nice dream. Full of metal and iron for him to eat. He swore he could taste the metal in his own dream. He woke up and stretched himself but when he tried to stand up, his feet fell through the floor.

Y/N: That's odd. Did Rek'Sai dig a hole next to me while I slept?

Y/N rubbed his eyes some more and took his feet out of the hole. When Y/N's eyes had fully awakened, he realised that he wasn't even on the floor or even by Rek'Sai as a matter of fact. Infact, he couldn't see any of his friends from where he was. He was in a bamboo cage which could hardly fit him in. Y/N looked around him and saw that the cage was being carried by a swarm of soldiers. There were other cages also with other people in but they seemed more calm than Y/N.

Y/N then realised that he actually could taste metal in his dream because there was metal in his mouth. A metal helmet had been locked in place in his jaw and secured with a sash around his head. Y/N could only make sounds of displeasure, nothing else.

Soldier 1: No point in struggling, you won't be able to get out of it anyway.

Y/N crunched down on the helmet and it folded like a piece of paper.

Soldier 2: Well atleast he can't get through the sash.

Y/N's teeth cut the sash and the crumpled helmet dropped from his mouth and through the bars of the bamboo cage.

Soldier 3: Well shit.

Y/N: I have a million questions for you guys! Who, where, why, what, would. The whole shazam!

Soldier 4: Be quiet! We are nearly there.

"Nearly there" happened to take 2 hours and Y/N decided to make those 2 hours the worse hours of those soldiers lives. Every 30 seconds he would ask "Are we there yet" and inbetween those waits he would grind his teeth together to make a sound worse than a goat being anally raped by a tuba.

When those 2 hours had passed though, Y/N had an amazing sight to behold. Before him sat a giant temple with a gate leading inside. Once they had reached the gates, the soldiers emptied the cages of all the prisoners and shackled them together and dragged them through the huge gate. Y/N being Y/N couldn't resist the metal around his wrist and so he ate it all and wandered up to the front of the line of prisoners where they were being led by Soldier 1.

Y/N: So, what is this place.

Soldier 1: Ixaocan. The heart of Ixtal. Wait a sec .... HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET OUT OF YOUR SHACKLES?!

Y/N: Your shackles taste very good.

Soldier 1: Ugh, I can already tell your going to he trouble. Get this prisoner some Icathianite shackles!

Y/N was put back in his place and Soldier 5 showed him a pair of shackles. They had a dark purple tinge to them and seemed very heavy by the way he was holding them.

Soldier 5: These are made from Icathianite. It's a type of metal that was used to repel voidborn and other creatures such as that when some invaded our home. They're also some of the most strongest and easiest to find metals we have.

Soldier 5 began to clip them around Y/N's wrist but the second they touched his skin, he felt an immense pain run through it as it burned at his skin. He quicky prised the shackles off him but not before his wrist and hands has burn marks over them.

Soldier 5: Interesting .... that's never happened on a human before. Oh well, we can't do much now because you'll just bite through all our other metals so I'll just have to keep an eye on you.

Back with Cassiopeia, she was peeved. No, actually, I wouldn't say peeved. More like pissed. Extremely, extremely, extremely pissed.

Cassiopeia: Where the hell is that sharky idiot?

Boulder and Rek'Sai shrugged and Cassiopeia slumped her shoulders. Then, she noticed footprints from where Y/N was sleeping.

Cassiopeia: I swear to god if that retatd sleepwalks then I'm going to make him fight Manasa again without Rek'Sai's help.

Cassiopeia stormed off in the direction of the footsteps and Rek'Sai and Boulder followed her.

With Y/N, he and the other prisoners were all led to a large pit of sand with seats overlooking them. It reminded Y/N of something familiar. Just a small sense of De Ja Vu that he had been in something like this before. After 30 minutes of waiting, the seats were beginning to become occupied and chatter filled the air. After a few more minutes, someone blew a horn and an announcer made his speech.

Announcer: Oh good citizens of Ixaocan. Today we have gathered warriors from across Ixtal to fight to the death in this gladiator pit for our amusement!

Y/N face palmed himself. Thats what it was. Another gladiator pit. First with snakes, and now with humans. It was like completing the tutorial then having to fight Aurelion Sol himself.

Announcer: And now, introducing your host for this occasion. The most beautiful and cunning of all her sisters! Our Empress of Elements! Princess Qiyana!

The Journey through Runeterra (League of Legends x Male Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu