Chapter 2

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Elizabeth POV:
We walk downstairs.There are three male vampires,four female vampires, two shape shifters,and a young girl.

"Everyone,this is a good friend of mine. Elizabeth."Carlisle states.They all nod and smile at me."Liz,this is my wife Esme,Edward,Bella,Renesmee,Jacob, Seth,Alice,Jasper,Emmett,and Rosalie."

"Hey."I smile."And just so you guys know,I know about you guys."

"You do?"The guy named Jacob questions.

"Yes.Im also a vampire,but different."I tell them."Over a thousand years ago a witch created my kind of vampires. They are known as the originals.And trust me,you don't want to get on their bad side.Anyways,my kind of vampires have fangs and red eyes when we get hungry,we can burn in the sun,we can sleep,eat,drink,compel humans,we are weakened by vervain,and we are either killed by a stake in the heart,ripping out the heart,or tearing off our head."

I watch as they take in what I just told them.Esme goes over to Carlisle and smiles at me.

"You can stay with us as long as you like."She states.

"Thank you."I smile.

"So what is your diet?"Jacob asks.I look at Carlisle briefly.

"Human,but since I don't have venom like your fellow vampires I don't kill anyone."I tell him."And besides,for my kind of vampires when we're turned our emotions are heightened.So when a normal person would feel mad it would make someone like me feel beyond pissed.And when we're sad..its like we're in depression.Sometimes when we feel guilt..thats what gets us the most."

Everyone looks at me sadly.It was starting to make me feel a little uncomfortable.I didn't like it when people felt bad for me.

"But it's not all bad.When we're happy it's unbelievable.And when we're in love..theres nothing that can bring us down."I add.

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