Deep Dark Fears

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Hello again guys /w\ Here's a couple of SHORT stories (not really stories tho :P) that one could probably relate to 0-0 Enjoy! :P

~There is a mirror in my bedroom, I worry that...while I sleep, my reflection sits up and watches me.

~My mom told me that if I ride the escalator while my shoe is untied, it would grab the laces and suck me underneath. She said that all the mall cops were kids who got sucked into the escalator me had to stay forever.

~It gets really icy on Brooklyn, I'm scared that I'll slip and gouge my eyes on a wrought iron fence, and that I'll be to slippery to free myself.

~When I wake up, i open my eyes very slowly, so that anything that may be in my room, has a chance to hide.

~I worry that I'll fall and bite off my tongue, and when I call 911, they won't be able to understand me.

~~:0 well guys there you go >:0 I will try to write more later and will probably start writing my creppypastas again ^-^ bye byes \(=•w•=)

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