They can hear you (~part 3)

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Hai my peoples :3 I apologize again for not posting ;__; i try my best to post as often as I can :v anyways today was my bestie's B-day :3 Happy Birthday lovely >3< anyways lol enjoy!

Six A.M., Thursday...

Greg closed his storage locker door with a loud thud and wondered as to why the lockers didn't have any sort of locking system installed. He knew that none of his coworkers would likely steal any of his equipment from the unit, but Greg was never exposed to lockers that didn't have some sort of protective measures to them. He also wasn't usually prone to overanalyze the small things, but after three nights on his new job the frequency at which he thought about trivial things was severely amplified.
He walked out into the lounge where Crawford was at his desk fiddling with some drawers. His speed was enough to signify understanding within Greg's psyche; Crawford was ready to go home too. Greg made his way over to the time clock on the opposite wall and punched out before striking conversation.
"You in a hurry Crawford?" Greg said.
"I can hear my bed calling me from here," Crawford said with a chuckle. "What about you, have you adjust to the time differences yet?"
"First night was rough, but I think I'm slowly getting used to it."
"By next week I'm sure you won't even recall spending most of your waking hours while the sun is out. You're on the fast track to become a night crawler like the rest of us."
Greg laughed at the befitting title. Comprised of an ensemble of guys who didn't have the patience or will to deal with daytime labor, the night crawlers were the night shift workers who Greg now found himself a semi-established member of. By now Greg had met the majority of them and was scheduled to work with the only member he had yet to meet on Monday. There was Jim, the chain smoker who he met the first night; Ethan, a slim figured man in his late thirties who seemed like a rather religious person due to the cross he always bore around his neck; and Crawford, the brandished leader who gave the orders rather than executed them. Ryan was the only one Greg had yet to meet, and if the versatility amongst the others was to hold up, Greg had no idea what to expect out of him.
"Speaking of night crawlers, did Ethan already head out?" Greg asked.
"Yeah, just about ten minutes ago. Told me he had to run some errands before heading back home."
"He's a nice guy. I noticed the cross hanging from the necklace he wears. Is he really religious?"
"He wasn't always, only up until recently has he started wearing that. He reads the bible in here on his breaks so I suppose he takes it pretty seriously now."
Greg was never much of a religious person. He always claimed that he enjoyed being centered in logic and reality when it came to the afterlife and higher orders. His love for horror and fiction however always made it hypocritical to claim that the edicts and laws of religion were completely ridiculous. Gods and monsters, to each his own.
"Well I'm going to head out," Greg said. "Is there anything I could do for you before I go?"
"No don't sweat it," Crawford said, "you already punched out anyway. Just make sure to close the main gate behind you when you exit. Ethan should have already taken care of the locks when he left so it should just be a simple effort of pushing and pulling on your part."
"Alright then, see ya Sunday night."
"See ya then, have a good morning."
Greg gave a slight smirk as he closed the door behind him and walked outside. Greg knew Crawford had a sense of humor, but he always seemed to be the most chipper when the sun came up. Greg figured it was because the arrival of the sun meant night shift was over, and therefore allowed Crawford to leave. Greg knew in time he would start feeling the same way about seeing the sun come up. Whereas before the sun meant waking up to go to class, now it meant leaving work and going home to rest; it would take some getting used to.
The employee building was only a few paces from the main gate where Greg's car and the parking lot lie beyond. He pushed the metal gates open as they swayed outward with lumbering force, and once Greg was on the other side he pushed them back to their closed position. As he wiped his hands off from the residue left from the aged metal, he noticed the locks Crawford had mentioned before Greg left; not one, but three. They were gold plated with large chains that coiled around the bars of the gate's right door. They looked as though they could stop a stampede from breaking through if necessary, but Greg knew panicked groups of wildlife didn't usually run through this part of the country, or any part for that matter.
"Well Crawford sure likes to take more precaution with his front door than his lockers," Greg said amusingly.
And with that Greg turned from the gate, made his way towards his car, and drove off down the road with locks and doors swirling through his mind.

~/.\ [credit to original author] okay guys that was the next part of the story hope you liked it :3 I will try my best to post more often I promise :v night night lovelies

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