Pass Me On

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Hello my peoples :3 I'm back with more stories /.\ I apologize for my lack of updates ;-; I try my hardest. Now to the story :3 Enjoy!

Hello. My name is Max. I have something disturbing to tell you. I must write this as quickly as possible, because last time I tried to write it, my computer changed its password, and locked my account. It's like it doesn't want me telling you this.
I received an email from an unknown sender. The email is in italics.
To: *********
Subject: Hello
Hello. I don't know you and you don't know me. I sent this to a random stranger using one of the numerous programs on the internet. I want to tell you something. Ever since I was 12, I've had a terrible time sleeping. I could never even feel sleepy until the stroke of midnight, and that's when it came. The thing. Cloaked in shadow, I can never get a good look at it. It chills me to my very core, with primal terror.
It walks up to my bed, and with a claw writes some words in mid-air. They glow brightly like fire, giving me time to read them before they and the creature disappear.
For 5 years now I've been on medical drugs prescribed by my psychiatrist, but nothing worked. I see it every day. It has given me mental problems. I cannot go on like this anymore.
You may ask, why am I sending this to you? Well, by now you should know why. It is all to do with what the monster draws.
These words are 'Pass Me On, And I Will No Longer Haunt You.' So I write to you, as you love horror stories. I've seen you on websites. Yes, I lied about you being a stranger. So, post this online, on Spinetinglers, on Creepypasta, on ScaryForKids. I am at peace now. The monster has left. I am sorry for what I have done, passing this on to you in this email. Just do what I said, and you will be safe.
I received this email one year ago, and after that a terrible entity began to haunt me. The sender of the email was right-it is primal terror, instinctive terror, which it evokes. It is unbearable. I may be forced to suicide if I have to carry on seeing this thing every night. So, I will do as I was told, and post this online, so the creature may be passed on.
I am sorry, for whoever reads this. I am truly sorry.

~0.0 {credit to original author} Hope yall enjoyed :3 I promise I I'll post stories as often as possible ;-; night night

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