They can hear you (~part 7)

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Hai again guys /.\ I'm sorry I keep takin so long to update ;-; here's the next part enjoy :3

Eleven P.M., Tuesday

Greg began to rummage through the supplies in his storage locker when he heard the door behind him pushed open. He turned his head slightly to see Jim walk through the door way into the room. The stench of cigarettes followed in his wake.
"I didn't know you were working tonight," Greg said.
"Yeah well, Ryan is sick tonight and someone had to cover for him," Jim replied as he swung his locker door open. "I imagine you could have handled tonight by yourself, but it doesn't hurt to have help."
Handled tonight by yourself, Greg appreciated the comment. It had only been a week and a half since he had started work here and already the more experienced members were throwing comments of admiration his way. He was starting to truly feel established among the others, an expert at pacing laps around a plot of land and keeping watch late into the night. If anything, it was enough to make him look forward to working his shift.
"I wouldn't be one to call you wrong Jim, but I don't think I'm quite the expert on the caretaker game yet. Maybe in another month or two I'll be on that high a level."
"You've been doing well so far, and you're only looking to improve from here on out. Just make sure you're ready for any sort of pop quiz Crawford might throw your way."
"Like what? Like how the lamp post between the fifth mausoleum and the eastern road flickers on and off? Or that he only likes International Delight coffee cream in his mugs?"
Jim gave a hearty laugh at Greg's observations.
"Color me impressed. With that kind of knowledge at your disposal you could probably ace any sort of question Crawford could send your way. It seems we have a modern day Alex Trebek on the team."
"And I can do the theme pretty well too."
Without a second of comprehension or doubt, Greg began to whistle the first few notes of the Jeopardy theme aloud in the storage room. He had forgotten how good it felt to whistle, to clear his pipes and bring out simple tunes to calm the nerves. It wasn't until a few seconds later that he noticed the expression on Jim's face and recalled one of the golden rules of the job.
"S-sorry," Greg said. "Doom and gloom, I almost forgot."
Jim was unwavering in his stance. With his eyes wide and gaze fixed he stared forward into his locker as though he had found himself staring into the jaws of a hungry tiger. Greg was questioning what he did to make Jim freeze in place. He didn't expect that Jim had any bad memories when it came to Jeopardy. Maybe he was a contestant once and managed to go negative before final jeopardy occurred, maybe it was family matters. Greg didn't know what to think, and he felt that it was business he would be better off not treading into. Greg erased the thought, gathered his stuff, and shut his locker with a mild push.
"I'll uh, see you out there Jim."
Jim didn't move. The same stare persisted as it gazed in on the confines of the locker's interior. Greg figured it best just to leave him alone until he snapped out of it. He turned and made his way for the door, but before he could, Jim called out to him.
"Greg," Jim said in a solemn voice. "Before you go, I just want you to know that..."
"Yes..." Greg replied. "Know what?"
Jim thought back to what Crawford had told him during his break a few nights before. Would Greg really think him an idiot, or that he would be pulling a prank on him? Would he believe something so outlandish and unbelievable? Would he...
"You're doing well," Jim said as he snapped out of his daze. "Don't do anything to mess it up. I'm not trying to be stern towards you, but I don't want to see you leave so soon. Matt, the guy before you, he didn't stick around long after being hired. Let's just... let's just say I don't want another Matt."
Greg felt the comments to be a little conspicuous; something was odd about Jim's tone and words. As Jim continued to grab his stuff, Greg figured he might as well accept the compliment rather than question Jim any further.
"Thanks," Greg said. "I'm trying my best to make an impression around here. And sorry about whatever I did a few moments ago. It seemed to strike a chord with you. Anyway, see you around."
Greg left the storage room with a hushed pace, and after a few seconds Jim heard the door leading outside shut with a thump. Jim slowly stared at the ground beneath him as he pushed his locker door closed. He stood there for a bit, still as thought he were rooted to the position by invisible vines. Others might have looked upon the ground Jim was standing on and figured he simply had some odd fascination with it. But for him, the image below along with Greg's comments had terrified him to his core.
"It's not what you did," Jim said quietly, "it's what this place did."
And if this place had its way once again, Greg's path towards becoming an "expert" would come to a grinding halt.

~/.\ [credit to original author] I will post the next part later on /.\ I believe it's the last part :,v or there might me 2 or so more /.\ anyways night night lovelies

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