I am now afraid to cotinue living in my home.

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Hai guys :D here's another story for tonight ^-^ Enjoy!

There have been a series of bad storms here in Georgia and living in a more rural but beautiful area of the state I seemed to get the worst of it. I knew things were going to get bad when my golden retriever started freaking out at the change in pressure and the sounds of approaching thunder. He normally keeps his calm during smaller storms but this was clearly not one of them. I put him in his crate around seven and left to go grab a bite of indian food from one of my favorite local dives. When I returned the storm was hammering my house in full effect. My dog began to bark like crazy and the rain limited my visibility to anything farther than ten feet from my windows. As the lights began to flicker I knew my night was about to take a turn for the worse.
I was plunged into an eerie twilight as I struggled to find candles by the dying light coming through my windows. I jumped as a branch crashed into my gas grill and made a grinding sound that resounded in my ears. Reaching under my cabinets I was able to find a steady amount of candles and quickly arranged them around my kitchen and rushed to calm my dog.
We sat in silence for a couple hours as I read my most recent choice in novels, I watched outside as the rain began to die down and the darkness took hold in my back yard. My dog drifted off to sleep and I began to feel the same, gathering my things and a couple candles I made my way to my room on the first floor. We still had no power and the AC was dead as day. The heat began to become stifling as I settled into my blankets and I walked over to the end of the room and opened my closest window. I looked out into my backyard and took a deep breath, the air was still humid and I could hear a multitude of bugs chirping in the night. I returned to my bed and quickly fell asleep.
I woke up around 5:30 am EST and could see the nearby street light shining through my window, glad my power would be back on. I turned over and looked down at my dog. His bed was empty. I turned back over and fell asleep. An hour later I awoke again and saw once more his bed was empty. This time I sat up and searched around in the dark to try and find his shape on the floor but to no avail. I turned on the light and my heart stopped.
The window was closed. I thought I was possibly dreaming so I snapped a quick picture to convince myself It was real proof. I quickly stood up out of bed and noticed to my increasing horror a set of soggy footprints reached halfway into my room to the foot of my bed. There was no returning prints to the window and my dog was nowhere to be seen. I am writing this as I almost certainly think something is under my bed. Will continue to update as of right now.
Edit 1: The prints do not appear to be human and there is absolutely nothing under my bed but my dog is still nowhere in sight and all my doors are closed.
Edit 2 (5:58am): I think something is dripping on the floor from my attic entrance by my closet, will investigate
Edit 3 (2:00pm): My car is packed with what few possessions I own and I am driving away from Georgia as fast as I can. I left my security deposit behind and anything I couldn't fit into my small sedan. I investigated the dripping from my attic earlier this morning and have been on the road since. It wasn't water as I first thought but some sort of slimy secretion. I mustered the courage to finally push my attic hatch back and climb through. Instantly a sound of scraping nails filled my head and I ducked back down as fast as I could, there's no way my dog could have gotten up there but I swore I saw something in the dark. I stuck up my phone and what is normally supposed to be the end of my attic walkway was blocked out by a large shape sitting on its haunches. I called my dogs name to no avail I took one more look up to absolutely confirm I saw something and it was still sitting there and my flashlight couldn't reach. I watched as it gained height and heard a pair of sounds that told me it was coming towards me on its hind legs. I closed the hatch and ran for my life. Whatever is up there is not my dog.

~0.0 {credit to original author} dear god this one gave me chills /~\ Hope yall enjoyed! :3 more to come :D night night.

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