I'm considering living in the street because of this....

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Hai again :3 unfortunately this will be the last story for tonight ;-; however I will try to post more tomorrow :D Anyways enjoy!

My wife and I have only been married for just over a year, most of which was spent living at my parents' house while we paid off the majority of our debt and put away what we could for a down payment on a place of our own. Four months ago we finally decided that we had saved enough to be able to get a house and we started looking. Almost immediately I found a place that I liked - three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a finished basement, and best of all it was only just over a mile from where I work! The only thing that gave my wife pause was the house had "documented paranormal activity." I scoffed at her hesitance, telling her there were no such thing as ghouls, ghosts, or anything like that, and that since the house had been on the market for so long (probably because nobody wanted to move into a 'haunted' house) we could talk them down in price. Sure enough, they were all too eager to sell and we ended up buying this 'spooktacular' house for a fraction of the listed price. We got moved in and everything was great.
Then things started to happen.
I didn't take much notice at first. Things wouldn't be where I had left them, lights would be left on, things like that. I chalked it up to my wife forgetting to turn off lights and moving my stuff around. Then one day when I got home from work I noticed that all the furniture had been moved around. There's no way my wife could have done that without me noticing. I still wasn't ready to believe the paranormal mumbo-jumbo about the house but it was certainly strange. My wife, on the other hand, would freak out if she came home and saw what had happened so I put everything back in its proper place.
A few days later I got up to start getting ready for work and as I turned on the bathroom faucet to brush my teeth there was no water. What came out of the faucet was this thick, dark muck. It smelled coppery, almost like blood. Unfortunately, my wife was home to see this one. She jumped right away into how it was the ghost or ghosts doing this and we needed to leave. I reassured her that it was probably just a problem with the pipes and that I would get it fixed. I waited for my wife to leave the room before whispering "I'm not afraid of you, and you're not going to make us leave," just in case. I think it took my defiance as a challenge.
Things heated up when my wife left for Wisconsin to visit some of her family. I was excited to have the house to myself - I didn't have to worry about having the TV too loud, leaving the toilet seat up, or walking around the house in my underwear. I settled into the couch and turned on the TV, preparing myself for the long weekend alone.
That's when I heard it.
It was soft, barely audible but no mistaking it - a woman's voice snickering. I told myself I imagined it, that my wife's superstition was rubbing off on me. I turned all of my attention to the TV. As I flipped through the channels I became painfully aware of something. Each time I would change the channel the screen would cut to black and in the reflection of the screen I could see someone standing behind the couch. I got a chill as my hairs began to stand on end because you see, my couch sits completely against the wall.
I got up quickly and rushed to the bathroom, turned on the faucet. Clean water this time, thank goodness. I splashed some cold water on face and rubbed my eyes. "Get it together," I said aloud, "you're better than this." I removed my hands from my face and looked into the mirror. There, peeking at me from the doorway, was a woman's face. She was taller, dressed in a night gown that looked like it had spent years buried under a pile of garbage. Her hair was long and dark, her skin pale and dead, teeth a yellowish-brown. I screamed and turned around abruptly to find that no one was there. I looked back at the mirror. Nothing. I thought that maybe I just needed to get out of the house for a bit. I left and came back a few hours later. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and the rest of the night was uneventful. I fell asleep convinced that my mind was playing tricks on me. I have never been so wrong about anything in my entire life.
I didn't sleep well that night. I kept waking up to the sounds of someone or something rummaging around in the house. Thrice I got up to investigate but found nothing. The fourth time I woke up to find her...it...standing at the foot of my bed. I let out a terrified scream as she made her way to me. I leaped out of bed and ran as fast I could to the door and flung it open. I could hear her behind me, still snickering softly. I bolted down the hall and out the front door to my car. It was only then that I realized that in my panic I didn't get dressed and that my keys were still in my pants pocket. I was going to have to go in after them. With all the confidence I could muster I tip-toed back inside and back to my bedroom. No sign of whatever it was. I located my pants and a shirt and was about to leave when my bedroom door slammed shut. I rushed over to open it to no avail. I heard her again then, not a quit snicker this time but a vicious cackle. I looked at my bedroom window. An escape! My room is on the ground floor so I wouldn't have to jump. I opened the window and scurried out. I got in my car and drove as fast as I could back to my parents' house.
When my wife got back I told her what had happened while she was gone and that we were moving out of that house immediately. I could see the terror on her face. She clearly didn't want to set foot into that house to retrieve our belongings. I said it had to be done and we would be as quick as possible. We got everything packed up and put the bulk of it into storage while we looked for a new place to live. A couple of days ago we finally found a one bedroom apartment that would suite our needs. At the time of this writing we are spending our first night in the new apartment, but I can't sleep. Every time I get close to slumber I'm awakened by the sound of a woman snickering quietly.

~0.0 {credit to original author} Hope yall enjoyed! :D night night.

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